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Scene 1 (0s)

PROCEDURE. TEXT. By: Ivan Rifai.

Scene 2 (19s)

DEFINITION of pr0cedure text. O O. 01. 02. 03. P rocedure Text/Manual is.

Scene 3 (1m 59s)

to inform the. reader how to operate or use. s omething through a.

Scene 4 (5m 40s)

states what is. going to do. Contain about. things that we need to make/do.

Scene 5 (8m 22s)

Using p r esent tense Mix , mixed, mixed Open , opened, opened.

Scene 6 (11m 6s)

HOW TO US E AN E L E C T R IC IRON. Prepare the iron, the.

Scene 7 (12m 20s)

Flip the clothes and apply. the iron on the other side of the clothes ..

Scene 8 (12m 50s)

………………... ……………... ……………. Now, it’s your turn!!!.

Scene 9 (13m 35s)

THANKS!. h 00.