ISSOW – Integrated Safe System of Work

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Scene 1 (0s)

Oxy Oman. May 2020 Version. ISSOW – Integrated Safe System of Work.

Scene 2 (8s)

Course Program. ISSoW INTRODUCTORY COURSE. Permit (Role & Responsibilities) Permit Basic Workflow & Icons Guide to Hazardous Zone Classification ISSoW Permits, Certificates Validity & Timings Hot Work Permit Cold Work Permit Breaking Containment Permit Spark Potential Permit Confined Space Entry Certificate Routine Templates Well Handover Certificate Risk Assessment Supporting documents (Lifting Plan & Underground Service Survey); Conclusion.

Scene 3 (24s)

Roles & Responsibilities. Performing Authority (PA) : Worksite Visit Create documentation Carrying out the task risk assessment or participate in the process Request demonstration of isolation integrity Ensuring a Toolbox Talk/ Site Risk Assessment is carried out Communicating and respond to changing workplace conditions Carry out effective handovers, Capture and record any lessons learned Suspend the Permit at the end of shift Inform the concerned authorities once job completed & close the permit on ISSoW system. OXY Supervisor (OS) : OXY Supervisor reviews this document before verifying it All attached documents are checked In case of Hot Work , FOM or delegate will sign for their awareness & Countersign in Proscient. Area Authority (AA) : AA performs final review & approves the permit If the permit is not taken live within 3 days, the permit will go back to Requested. Issuing Authority (IA) : The PA speaks to the IA who checks that all Control Points are in place and the worksite has been checked Once he agrees the work can start, the permit is issued..

Scene 4 (1m 6s)

Basic Permit Flow.

Scene 5 (1m 12s)

Permit Life Cycle. Requested I ncornplete A rchived PROSCIENT OPERATIONAL PERFORMANCE AND PREDICTIVE RISK Requ ested 13 Oysl Issued A sed 0 1224 337200 TZO End Of Shift pc tec TZO End Of Shift Corn p I eted R35 Job o in that C) Petrotechnics Ltd. Pavilion S, Craigshaw Business Park, Craigshaw Road , Tullos, Aberdeen AB12 'QH.

Scene 6 (1m 26s)

Icons. Icon What does it mean? Who performs the step Requested : The PA requests the job, Place the Icon, complete Risk Assessment and completes the permit then: - attaches all other documents to the permit - informs the OXY Supervisor - Minimum 48 hours before work. Performing Authority (PA) Verified : The OS reviews this document before verifying it is correct in time for the permit meeting. All attached documents are checked. In case of Hot Work , OS will inform Field Manager for his awareness & Countersign. Oxy Supervisor (OS) Authorised : There is a final review of the document at the permit meeting before the AA approves it. If the permit is not taken live within 3 days, the permit will go back to Requested. Area Authority (AA) Issued : The PA speaks to the IA who checks that all Control Points are in place and the worksite has been checked. Once he agrees the work can start, the permit is issued. Issuing Authority (IA) Live . The PA accepts the Permit and prints out the complete document the first time. This is taken to the worksite and a toolbox talk performed and the sheets filled in. Any problems must be reported back as soon as possible. Performing Authority (PA) Job Complete . On completion, the PA will tidy the worksite, return all paperwork to the Permit office and Job Complete the permit. The AA will be informed of Job Completion. No paperwork is to be thrown away. Performing Authority (PA) Completed . The AA will check to ensure that all isolations are removed, all Control Points have been removed and the worksite is left safe, clean and tidy. Area Authority (AA) Archive . The AA will Archive all documentation both paper and electronic. Area Authority (AA) If the Performing Authority forgets to “Suspend / Job Complete/ Job Incomplete” , the permit will start to flash indicating Overdue. Performing Authority (PA).

Scene 7 (2m 34s)

Hazardous Zone Classifications.

Scene 8 (2m 40s)

ISSoW Permits & Certificates. Color Type Cold Work Permit Hot Work Permit Spark Potential Permit Breaking Containment Permit Job Template Routine Cold Work Routine Hot Work Routine Spark Potential Routine Breaking Containment Confined Space Entry Certificate Approval to Deviate (Mechanical Integrity) Approval to Deviate (Safety Systems) Standalone Risk Assessment Well Handover Certificate Max Validity 7 7 7 7 365 7 7 7 7 7 365 365.

Scene 9 (2m 54s)

Permit Validity & Timings (Guideline). Performing Sam — Authority Ipm All permits and associated content to be to be requested by Ipm p IssuingAuthority All permits and associated nntenttobereviewed and required 6pm Gam clarifications discussed with Performing Authority by 6pm, All isolation phases and points to be input by 6am Oxy Operations to have all permits ready for Verification by 6am 0 Oxy Supervisor Sam Ipm Area Authority Ipm 4pm Permit Meeting 4pm 6pm All permits and associated content to be reviewed and permit to be Verified by Ipm All permits and associated content to reviewed and Authorized prior to permit meeting at 4pm permits reviewed for potential clashes. permits should be ready for issue at 6am Oxy Operations to have all ready for Issue by 6am Issuing Authority Visits location with Performing Authority. Performs gas tests as 6am 7am Performing w 6am — Authority 7am required and Issues permits Visits location with Issuing Authority and accepts permits once issued.

Scene 10 (3m 46s)

Any work involving naked flames (flame cutting – burning, using oxygen / acetylene or oxygen / propane) Electrical welding Use of portable grinders Brazing / soldering Grinding Use of cartridge operated pneumatic tools Use of a flare gun In hazardous zones: Dry grit / shot blasting Spray painting.

Scene 11 (4m 10s)

Grading and leveling of roads Loading or shifting of pipes Working with radioactive sources (depending upon nature of test equipment) Working with Nitrogen Gas Handling downhole chemicals for well injection Handling hazardous substances, e.g., asbestos High pressure water jetting Wet grit blasting Ultra high pressure water cutting Use of air or hydraulic power tools in non-hazardous areas Work affecting the availability of fire and explosion protection devices Work affecting the availability of process control, safety and protection equipment Work involving breaking containment of systems containing water or air utility system.

Scene 12 (4m 44s)

Work involving the breaking of containment of systems or equipment containing produced hydrocarbons or other high pressure / high temperature / toxic / corrosive / flammable liquids, e.g. oil, gas HP Water Injection, steam, chemical injection, glycol, etc. Spading and de-spading of systems or equipment containing produced hydrocarbons or other high pressure / high temperature / flammable liquids, e.g. oil, gas, steam, chemical injection, glycol, etc. Ensuring that the confined space / vessel has been positively isolated and the permit closed out prior to opening the affected confined space / vessel manway door with a new permit. Well Servicing operations for any ‘well intervention’ activities..

Scene 13 (5m 23s)

Use of equipment or work on pipework or vessels contaminated with Pyrophoric scale Work involving explosives In Hazardous Zones (Class 1 / Division 1 or 2), the use of equipment or work involving: Operation of gasoline or diesel engines Use of needle gunning Use of hand tools that have the potential to spark Non-appropriately rated Ex equipment (not approved for a hazardous zone) Use of cameras or mobile phones Opening live electrical junction boxes where terminals are exposed to atmosphere Use of power tools including Air / Hydraulic Use of low power lasers.

Scene 14 (5m 56s)

CINFINED SPACE ENTRY Assigned To: Description Location SAMA-E - Cmfirpd Erary Equipment ID Equipment ID »ecfxi 12 HIXJrs Organisational Unit Mukhaizna Numlkr of .ec6«i Work Order Number Department Isolation Required Supporting Information Atmospheric Tests No-te Descripöon Equipment Description .ecifiG Days Left Primary Location MIX Caltra Prxessi-g Facilities (CPF) Lead Verifier Validity Period 7 Day(s) Additional Location (s) Additional Verifier (s) Not Contra&r/ Company Name Lessons Audits OXY Nme Nme Twe 2+Aug-201S 15:31 0 201S.

Scene 15 (6m 45s)

Confined Space Entry Certificate. For CSE Certificates the ERT/HES Team must review the rescue plan by countersigning the Certificate in the ISSoW system. All Hot Work and Spark Potential Permits impacted affected areas, shall either be cancelled or suspended during the venting and purging of the confined space. A standby man, with effective communication means, shall be stationed at the confined space entry point. A standby man (CSE attendant) shall be appointed and they shall ensure that: They fully understands how to raise the alarm in the event of an emergency They are fully conversant with the use of specified life-saving equipment They must not leave his post until he is relieved by another appointed standby man They are fully conversant with relevant procedures and his responsibilities.

Scene 16 (7m 18s)

Confined Space Entry Certificate. If the confined space is equipped with a source of electrical power or conductors, an electrical isolation must be carried out. An IAE shall confirm that the confined space is adequately earthed prior to the issue of the CSE Certificate. The atmosphere within the confined space must be initially tested by the AGT for (O2, LEL, H2S and CO), and continuously monitored in the areas where authorized entrants are working. Consideration should be given for NORM testing before personnel enter vessels, tanks or other process equipment. If the confined space is vacated, a new gas test shall be performed prior to re-entry. A portable gas monitor must be on site for continuous gas monitoring Entry to a confined space can only be authorized by AA. At the start of each shift, a new CSE Certificate must be issued by the duty AA..

Scene 17 (7m 58s)

Routine Templates. Routine Permits have the same four categories of work ( Hot Work; Spark Potential; Cold Work; Breaking Containment). Routines are designed to be used for high volume, low risk jobs. The primary purpose of a Routine Permit is to reduce the burden of lower risk activities, for example authorized routine maintenance work, in the ISSoW process enabling personnel to focus more on potentially hazardous activities. The following rules are applied for Routine Permits: When first created a Routine Permit (Job Template) undergoes a Level 1 Risk Assessment in the same way as a Permit, but then when the Routine Permit is required for work, it does not have to go through the full Permit approval process on every issue. Level 2 Risk Assessment will not be allowed for Routine Permits in the ISSoW System..

Scene 18 (8m 37s)

Routine Templates (Con’t). The use of Routine Permits will only be allowed for planned work The maximum validity of a Routine Permit is seven days A Routine Permit is normally required in the following circumstances: Following minor repair and maintenance work on safety and emergency systems: Routine checks and tests which do not require isolating or inhibiting any part of the system Minor work and checks that do not affect the integrity of the system Authorized routine plant maintenance work, e.g., filter changes for non-hazardous fluids, vibration monitoring Sampling activities, Site data logging / recording.

Scene 19 (9m 3s)

Routine Templates (Con’t). Non-intrusive work on equipment that is already shut-down Opening live electrical junction boxes in non-hazardous zones to carry out switching, testing to prove dead Opening, but not working on, live electrical junction boxes in hazardous zones which contain only IS circuits Hand painting except where the paint or the area to be painted requires the use of respiratory protection Work on communication systems within telecommunications safe areas Processes involving naked flames/hazardous substances in laboratories using approved laboratory procedures Other routine work activities approved by the FOM for a Routine Permit..

Scene 20 (9m 28s)

Well Handover Certificate. The ISSoW system has the capability to handover process for well work between the Operations and Well Servicing departments The Well Handover Certificate (WHC) will be overseen by the AA and the WSS to provide the status of the Christmas tree valve(s) position and any specialized downhole activity when the well is handed over to Well Servicing & then back to Operations The WHC provides an icon on the ISSoW system graphics to provide a visual display where all Well Servicing work is being carried out.

Scene 21 (10m 3s)

Risk Assessment Level 1. The risk assessment process is an integral part of ISSoW. The Oxy Oman requirement is that all work activities except those detailed in Section 3.5.2 are subject to the ISSoW computerized Risk Assessment in order to identify the hazards, assess the potential risks and identify the appropriate methods to control or mitigate these risks to a “tolerable” level. Two levels of Permit risk assessment are defined within the ISSoW process: Level 1 (Individual or Team Based) Level 1 is an assessment of a task, typically by the Permit user, worksite supervisor or individual who will be carrying out the activity. This is to identify any significant hazards involved and the appropriate control measures that are required to be in place to allow the job to proceed. The hazards and controls are selected from a standard list of potential hazards and controls within the ISSoW software identified as Risk Assessment Templates (RATs). However, the individual is not constrained by this list and should use his judgment and expertise to identify further hazards and controls, which can be entered manually..

Scene 22 (10m 49s)

Level 2 (Escalated Risk Assessment) Level 2 is a more rigorous assessment and this approach uses the OOG HES-approved risk matrix, designed for PTW application: A Hazard is something that could cause harm. (to you, other people, the environment or Company (financial or reputational impact) & Risk is the product of the consequence(s) of the Hazard, and the likelihood of that consequence being realised. The purpose of RA is to ensure that sufficient, adequate controls are put in place to reduce the risk(s) to an acceptable level. Controls are designed to reduce the likelihood of hazards being realised or the consequences if they are. Prevention is better than cure and the ‘Hierarchy of Controls’ reflects this. Level 2 RAs required a team (minimum 3 people) and a Risk Matrix. The team must agree that the (residual) risk(s) are acceptable.

Scene 23 (11m 24s)

Supporting Documents. Where additional paper certification / documentation is used in support of a ISSoW Permit, then they should be referenced on the Permit and attached either in paper form or electronically (scanned) as an external reference. The following are some examples of supporting certification / documentation, but not limited to: SDSs where appropriate Safety system inhibits / override registers P&IDs Leak pressure test certificate Critical lift plans Excavation work & Underground services survey Rescue Pre-Plan for Confined space entry Rescue from height.

Scene 24 (11m 49s)

Gas Testing. Authorized gas testers (AGT‟s) are responsible for carrying out gas testing duties in liaison with the other supervisory roles and in accordance with specified precautions. An AGT must have completed the necessary training, have been certified as competent. Gas Test for Confined Space Certificates has to be done by Operation HES. Ensuring atmospheric conditions are recorded electronically on the gas test section of Supporting document section & on the CSE and are also detailed on the entry tag(s)..

Scene 25 (12m 12s)

Excavation Work & Underground Services Survey.

Scene 26 (12m 19s)

Critical Lift Plan Checklist. uu uuu Uuu uu uuu.

Scene 27 (12m 26s)

Fire Watcher. A qualified person(s) that monitors the Hot Work activity to identify a potential fire problem, alerts the workers involved when problems are identified, and quickly responds with an approved fire extinguisher or water supplied hose in case a fire erupts The Fire Watch shall have no other duties and must remain in the area while maintaining fire watch during the activity and for thirty minutes after the hot work is completed A Fire Watch must be assigned for each Hot Work Permit and additional Fire Watcher(s) may be required, depending on the complexity of the Hot Work task The Fire Watch must remain in the area with a minimum of a ten meter radius from the Hot Work activity.

Scene 28 (12m 57s)

Pre-Job Evaluation Tool. PERMIT COLD WORK Pre—Job Evaluation Tool Shæt For the job we are about to perforrn today, how can we avoid these rnost cornrnon causes Of accidents? Oxy Leadership expects you to STOP WORK if issues are identified. APPROPRIATE SUPERVISION IS on—site supervision adequate to perforrn the job safely? Are there plans in place if supervision leaves location? LACK OF MENTAL DISTRACTIONS Are all rnernbers of the team focused and fit for duty? Have personal distractions mitigated to ensure safe work? APPROPRIATE PREPARATION Are all tearo rnernbers involved in identifying the job hazards? Are tear" rnernbers involved in cornpleting the JSA/RiSk Assessrnent? Has the team verified that no safety critical elernents are bypassed? Does the team have the right training. certifications and tools? the team know how to respond in the event Of an ernergencv? OBTAINING ALL NECESSARY INFORMATION BEFORE STARTING TASK Have all perrnits been Obtained to proceed With work? Have all required notifications been rnade? Does each tearn rnernber understand their role in each job step? Is the tear" aware of other tasks being perforrned in the area? RESPECTING PROCEDURES Did the tear" identify all applicable procedures to task? WORK PLANNING Is everyone committed to follow the work plan? IS committed to wearing their required PPE? IS committed to exercising "STOP WORK" authority? HOUSEKEEPING IS the location safe to Start work? Did the team agree that housekeeping Will maintained as the job progresses? MANAGING CHANGE Is the prepared to STOP WORK and re—evaluate hazards When Changes occur? Is the tearo confident in all the answers above? SAFE TO BEGIN WORK? 309808 STOP vuORK STOP WORK STOP WORK STOP WORK STOP WORK STOP wuORK STOP WORK STOP WORK STOP WORK STOP W'ORK STOP WORK STOP WORK STOP WORK STOP W'ORK STOP W'ORK STOP WORK STOP WORK STOP WORK STOP WORK STOP WORK STOP WORK.

Scene 29 (13m 55s)

Confined Space Rescue Pre-Plan. Of Ornan Confined Space Rescue Pre—Plan Purp OMAN-HES-207.c•01 Occidental Of (RAE sect,or, 18. oes confined spaces Provide the OXY Oman Emergency Response Team (EAT' advanced •nd Of confined the Of the OXY ERT Of of C Spa En Ot-y R ey Co Entry {C SE' epe team_ CSR for will be by; Performing Entity qua a proper-y rescue Third Party entry conduct •n evaluation Of the sp•ce •nd complete pan of their pre-ßb risk assessment n f thru S of this 'orm •s Section 2- Methods of Communication & Emergency Reporting This Confined Rescue be submeted to the OXM HES Oepamnent and OXY Team Of OXY Response by Sp•ces Entry (CSE' Supervisor sections 3 - 5 of this form to conduct Confr'ed Space Rescue Pre— of the space activities C SE this C on fin ed S the OXY HES •OXY CSE 7 Of this wm be comp'eted the executøn Of Space Rescue Oper•bon Of Rescue Conmactors Rescue Team — members Of the contr•ctors confined sp•ce entry who are property confined space rescue, OXY Em Response — Of OXY •Wh-O confined Outside Rescue Services — rescue stand—by services during confined sp.•ce entry operations — The person space. This can be the Team Leader, Eurneym•n, or other person quatmed by trahhg •nd fined Space Ena-y — The the d must — Who the space unauthorized entry: the entrants of •ny unusual cond*ions; and surnnmons the rescue personne.' M needed, En - who physZaMy enter the confined to perform the OXY — OXY Page 1 of S Mea ns Available to alert Rescue Services; Of to E ntS spans e sect, Rope S fra oe oy Confineo Space Entry (C SEJ escue va• a e riter.a: is the in a maximum Of 10 and CSR operations within 5 inutes not Air breathing Entry does not expose the entrant to any Obvious IOLH or potential IOLH hazards ntry does not require the entrant to have assistance to exit the space. under normal circumstances ALL Available Criteria on—site team is be available during C SE operations _ Section 4 - Internal Hauling System Required Lowering System H —h Point Pre-Ri nc orage S Strut S Colum n Rev B Rescue O ere —Plan •nes Main Lines nine Checklist Webbing aps H Systems ipod Rigging Plates Load Release Device E d Protection Rev B E Ody Harness 8 Sac rd EMS Page 2 of S.

Scene 30 (15m 1s)


Scene 31 (15m 29s)

Contractor Training Card. Once the Contractor Performing Authority has passed the test he is given a “Contractor PA ISSOW Training Card” to identify Contractor Performing Authorities Prior to sitting the course, the candidate will be required to prove his core competency training records Note - The Training Card is to be carried by the Contractor PA at all times.

Scene 32 (15m 46s)

Worksite Safety Requirements. If you break the rules, then ooeooo 0+0 e eo you choose not to work for Oxy!.

Scene 33 (15m 55s)

Your Stop Work Authority and Responsibility.