[Virtual Presenter] Good morning everyone! We are here today to discuss India's many problems and how digital marketing and promotion can help. In this presentation, we will be exploring the Cash Flow Quadrant and introducing three marketing strategies: Ecommerce, Affiliate and Traditional. I am confident that by the end of this presentation, we will have identified the most effective strategies for combatting low-medium incomes, increased workloads, and other issues India is facing. With that, let's get started by taking a closer look at the problems we are facing..
[Audio] India, as a developing nation, is facing many challenges. Poverty, corruption, poor infrastructure and illiteracy are some of the prominent issues that need to be addressed. To ensure that the country progresses, it is essential to understand the root causes of these issues and devise strategies to overcome them. For instance, the lack of education has been identified as a major hindrance for India's growth. Investing in education and making it accessible to all can give people a chance to make a better life for themselves. In order to reduce corruption and ensure that resources are distributed more fairly, better governance is needed. Only then can India reach its true potential..
[Audio] India's demographics show a multifaceted picture. Its population surpasses one billion and it is dealing with an array of challenges, such as high rates of infant mortality and lower life expectancy when compared to developed countries. This has caused a huge gap between the rich and the poor. Further, economic disparity and limited access to healthcare have been long-standing issues, adversely affecting the country's economic growth. It is estimated that nearly 225 million people live in extreme poverty, making India one of the world's ten most unequal countries. To tackle these problems, efforts should be focused on development and providing increased access to essential services..
[Audio] India's GDP growth increased significantly in 2023 to 7.2%, surpassing other major G20 economies. The GDP per capita of G20 countries compared to India's was lower, at 2.60, making India a leader in the emerging economy sector. The United States and Luxembourg conveyed the highest GDP per capita, standing at 80.03 and 13.237 respectively. According to the data obtained from the IMF website, this marks India's potential to become one of the leading economic powers worldwide..
[Audio] Unemployment has been given more attention in recent times. Data from April 2019 revealed that the unemployment rate is 7.6%, a notable increase from two years prior which was 1.9 times higher. Rural unemployment has hit a two-year high of 7.61% whilst the unemployment rate for youth between 20-24 has increased by 15 points in the same period. Predictions for unemployment levels in India in January 2023 further illustrate this problem, with a predicted national average of 21.8%. This issue is an obvious challenge for many people across the country. There is a need for further dialogue in order to identify a resolution..
[Audio] The technology industry is evolving rapidly, and the competition for jobs is intense, leading to an increase in layoffs across Indian startups and technology companies. A staggering 5,600 layoffs have already been reported. It is clear that the job market has changed considerably, and it is essential to be aware of these difficulties and find ways to prepare for the future..
[Audio] Statistics from Civilsdaily's chart and Statista's report have demonstrated undeniably that the rate of layoffs in India is skyrocketing - a cause for deep-seated worry. The brutal truth is that many people have seen their employment terminated as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, and the Indian economy is suffering tremendously because of this. It is therefore of utmost importance that we openly contemplate the various aspects that have created this plight and what actions we can take to ease its consequences..
[Audio] The Indian e-commerce industry has experienced a tumultuous two years, resulting in a dramatic drop in jobs in the startup industry. India's economic situation cannot be denied and it is important to put aside all religious and cultural disputes in order to work together to tackle the country's financial crisis. It is essential for the government to form a unified plan to tackle the current recession that has been created by humans. To do this, a think-tank must be created to strategize a possible solution..
[Audio] Layoffs have been a reality of our times for some years, and 2021 was no exception. Several tech companies have cut their staff in various sectors, including strategy, technology and product. Examples of this include Cree, Meesho, Ounzo and Byju's, the latter having cut 3,500 employees this year. Vedantu too has gone through four rounds of layoffs, having fired 385 more people the previous month. Whilst it is not a situation to be looked forward to, it is important to comprehend the facts and tailor our strategies accordingly. To do this, we must learn from the experiences of other companies and take the necessary measures to ensure our survival..
[Audio] We are currently in a critical situation that needs to be addressed. To do so, we must evaluate the cause of the problem and come up with concrete solutions that tackle the underlying issue. Once we have these solutions, we can create a plan of action to move ahead and address the challenge..
[Audio] We now discuss the Cash Flow Quadrant concept from the Rich Dad Poor Dad book by Robert T. Kiyosaki. We break it down into four areas of focus, namely Employees, Self-Employed, Business, and Investors. 45% of focus should come from Employees, 45% from Self-Employed, 5% from Business, and 5% from Investors. This concept is a powerful tool to help you manage your financial resources effectively..
[Audio] We can observe that most people are employed by businesses or investors. This can lead to issues like job security, access to opportunities, and financial mobility. It's essential to comprehend these problems and search for solutions to aid those who are in the challenging situation..
[Audio] The issues we have to contend with are straightforward: either we need to engage in commerce or we must make investments. To make investments, we need capital. Thus, the question we need to answer is from where do we obtain the necessary funds? That is the predicament we must confront..
[Audio] The three marketing strategies presented can be distinguished from each other. Ecommerce marketing necessitates large investments and considerable time, yet yields lower profits and no freedom. Conversely, affiliate marketing calls for less time and investment, but yields more profits as well as financial and brand freedom. Finally, traditional marketing yields minimal profits, requires significant investment, and does not grant freedom. Weighing the pros and cons of each option will help achieve the most advantageous result..
[Audio] Ecommerce and traditional marketing present distinct problems. With the ecommerce model, fulfilment is hard to manage because of the lack of personnel. Making money by trading time for it is a struggle with no reward of freedom. Income can be reasonable, but a lot of work is required to reach that level. Security is a priority but you can find yourself putting out fires. There's no leverage since there is no structured system, people or process. Traditional marketing poses a challenge in terms of direction and fulfilment as time for money is again the currency. The money earned is usually just enough to get by and it's a challenge to survive. Money stops when time stops so it's difficult to achieve leverage. Both models come with problems but knowing them can help us tackle them..
[Audio] Despite impressive growth projections for the affiliate marketing industry, marketers still contend with various challenges like struggling for attention among nano and micro-influencers and requiring flexibility to adapt to the ever-changing environment of affiliate marketing. With the Global Affiliate Marketing Market expected to be worth 15.7 billion dollars by 2023, it has become an appealing choice for those seeking a career in marketing. Many now believe this is the best time to pursue affiliate marketing as businesses are relocating online and necessitating cost-effective marketing strategies..
[Audio] Ideally, we want to get a clear understanding of the struggles that are preventing us from achieving our goals. Having said that, we have an incredible opportunity that can help you address these issues and move forward on the path to success. With the right approach, you can benefit from this great affiliate opportunity and reach your dreams. That being said, it is essential that we take the time to carefully discuss these challenges and find the right solutions. Thank you all for your attention..