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Scene 1 (0s)


Scene 2 (9s)

[Audio] Definition: Anesthesia : It is a state of controlled, temporary loss of sensation or awareness that is induced for medical or veterinary purposes. Operational technology : Operation technology is a programmable systems or devices that interact with the physical environment..

Scene 3 (41s)

[Audio] History of anesthesia The " Anesthesia" word was discorved by : Oliver Wendet Holmes. In, 1844 Horace Wells discovered anesthetic propery of nitrogen oxide. But he failed to demonstrate it. In 17th century Joseph Priestrey introduced nitrogen oxide and oxygen has anesthetic propery..

Scene 4 (1m 11s)

[Audio] In October 16, 1846, Boston dentist William T.G. Morton used sulfuric ether to anesthetize a man..

Scene 5 (1m 25s)

[Audio] The 1st anesthetist practicing was Dr. Snow. And as the years go on this was used in different fields and surgery..

Scene 6 (1m 40s)

[Audio] History of operation theater in 19th century In the early to mid-nineteenth century, surgery was a gruesome, traumatic experience that even the bravest of people avoided like the plague. When there were no anesthesia introduced, the operation was done under full consciousness. Also it was all open surgeries, in a big hall, with almost more than 100 peoples. Even there was no proper sterilization and cleanliness in operation theaters..

Scene 7 (2m 12s)

[Audio] History of operation theater in 20th century. Once the anesthesia medicine was introduced in 20th century. Hence the operations were undergrowing in the use of anesthesia. Hence the patients were experiencing pain less surgeries. Also the theater had cleanliness and sterilization after the surgeries. There will be very limited people's in the theatres..

Scene 8 (2m 40s)

Instruments used in 19 th century.

Scene 9 (2m 52s)

The syringe used in 19 th century..

Scene 10 (3m 3s)

The Operation theater in 19 th century.. The Old Operating Theatre.

Scene 11 (3m 12s)

The anesthesia medicine in 19 th century. Sulfuric ether..

Scene 12 (3m 21s)

2. Chloroform : In Scotland in 1847, obstetrician professor James Y. Simpson starts giving women chloroform to ease the pain of childbirth..

Scene 13 (3m 33s)

HOLLOW HYPODERMIC SYRINGE : Dr s. Charles P ravaz and A lexander Wood “independently invented the hollow hypodermic needle, which will be attached to an earlier invention, the syringe popularized in 1845..

Scene 14 (3m 45s)

In 1863, professor Gardner Quincy Colton reintroduced nitrous oxide cylinder..

Scene 15 (3m 56s)

In 1863, Dr. Edmund Andrews used nitrous oxide mixed with oxygen as an anesthetic..

Scene 16 (4m 7s)

In 1884, Dr. Karl K oller Viennese ophthalmologist introduces cocaine as an anesthetic for eye surgery ..

Scene 17 (4m 15s)

In 1894, Medical students E. Amory C odman and H arvey C ushing-develop the first anesthesia record using observed respiratory rate and palpated pulse rate..

Scene 18 (4m 25s)

In 1905, Dr. Frederic W. Hewitt administers a chloroform-ether mixture..

Scene 19 (4m 33s)

In 1914, Dr. Dennis E. Jackson develops a carbon dioxide (CO2) absorbing anesthesia system, allowing for a patient to re-breathe their exhaled air containing the anesthetic, cleansed of the carbon dioxide, resulting in the use of less anesthetic and the avoidance of waste..

Scene 20 (4m 40s)

THIOPENTAL: In 1927 it became the first widely used intravenous anesthetic gas..

Scene 21 (4m 50s)

HERB MUELLER APPARATUS: introduced in 1933, it administered ether & suctioned blood & mucous from surgical area & patient's airway..

Scene 22 (4m 56s)

CYCLOPROPANE: In 1935, it became most widely used anesthetic gas.

Scene 23 (5m 0s)

Lidocaine : Clinically introduced in S weden by T orsten G ordh. M.D. As a local anesthetic. Proved to be longer lasting than others with lower risk of adverse effects..

Scene 24 (5m 9s)

OHMEDA TEC 6 VAPORIZER: 'desflurane, an anesthetic introduced in 1991, required the development of a new kind of vaporizer..