Soil resource mismanagement impacts in Sarawak, Malaysia.

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Scene 1 (0s)

[Audio] Soil resource mismanagement impacts in Sarawak, Malaysia..

Scene 2 (17s)

[Audio] Sarawak is part of Malaysia since 1963. A flag flying in the sky Description automatically generated with medium confidence.

Scene 3 (28s)

[Audio] But the expansion of Sarawak territorial start from 1841 until 1905 during British colonial.

Scene 4 (36s)

[Audio] Sarawak development continues until now. Sarawak is the 3rd largest economy of Malaysia sates. It contribute Malaysian gross domestic product ( GDP) for 9.5% in 2020. Sarawak GDP growth for 2.9% in 2021. This development & contribution in GDP is heavily dependent on natural resource extraction & exports which are known in oil gas, timber & palm oil..

Scene 5 (5m 36s)

[Audio] This massive development & mismanage in soil resources trigger tree cover loss. It is recorded by Landsat satellite that Sarawak's tree cover loss is 3.11 million hectare with equivalent to 27% loss..

Scene 6 (6m 9s)

[Audio] If this current land use trend continues, environmental disaster such as the Aral Sea dissertation might happen in Sarawak, Malaysia in this near future..