Infrastucture design.cdr

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Scene 1 (0s)

. 5, Second Entuziastov Str., Bld.39 11024 Moscow Russia Phone/fax: +7 495 641 2 641 [email protected] Geophysical Surveys Geophysical Equipment ENGINEERING GEOPHYSICAL SURVEYS DURING INFRASTRUCTURE DESIGN Geophysical works at the stage of engineering geological surveys for a new development together with engineering geological drilling and methods of field soil tests: Adjustment of engineering geological and hydrogeological conditions of a construction site Monitoring of buildings subjected to influence of future construction: Condition survey of soil basis, foundations and structural units of buildings subjected to influence of construction THE FOLLOWING EQUIPMENT IS APPLIED: IDS-1 Pile Testing Device OKO-2 Ground Penetrating Radar Borehole GPR Complex LAKKOLIT-X-3 Multichannel Seismic Station ERA-MAX Low Frequency Resistivity Instrument ERP-1 Electrical Instrument Evaluation of industrial impact of development on geological environment and activation of negative geological processes and phenomena, formation of induced physical fields (vibratory, temperature and electromagnetic fields) Evaluation of dynamic impact on land and underground utility lines during construction works (hammering, vibration, etc.) Condition survey of road carpets and airport pavements Condition survey of underground constructions (tunnels, collectors, reservoirs, etc.) Microzonation Adjustment of location and condition of utility lines Study of influence of industrial dynamic impact on stability of soil massifs Study of negative natural and industrial processes and phenomena (karst and boil, landslides, erosion, flooding, etc.) Evaluation of soil corrosion activity and impact of wandering currents on steel structures Evaluation of physical and mechanical properties of in-situ soils.

Scene 2 (51s)

. 5, Second Entuziastov Str., Bld.39 11024 Moscow Russia Phone/fax: +7 495 641 2 641 [email protected] Geophysical Surveys Geophysical Equipment Geological geophysical section of the cableway segment К 2014 RASNAYA POLYANA - SOCHI ρspec 360 200 120 60 230 170 130 О . hm m 90 Integrated engineering surveys for design the cableway 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 0 100 200 1004 1000 996 992 988 Survey Stake (SS) 90 SS 80 well SS 70 SS 60 support in project SS 50 SS 40 SS 30 SS 20 SS 10 SS 0 hard loams crushed-stone soil argillites Section of apparent resistabces Geoelectrical section - result of vertical electric sounding interpretation Initial seismograms with registered wave field.