Improvement in food resources

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Scene 1 (0s)

[Audio] Improvement in food resources. Improvement in food resources.

Scene 2 (5s)

[Audio] Introduction All living organisms need food to derive energy for body development and survival. We obtain food from both plants and animals through agriculture and animal husbandry, respectively. It is important to bring improvement in food resources to meet the ever-increasing demand of the population. This includes the improvement of food resources not only in terms of quantity but also in quality, i.e. increase in yield as well as improvement in crop variety. We need sustainable practices in agriculture and animal husbandry to achieve this without compromising the environment and natural balance. Mixed farming, intercropping, and integrated farming practices are some examples of sustainable and scientific management practices..

Scene 3 (55s)

Improvement in food resources Crop variety i rnproven•ent Crop protection i n-aprovernent Factors : l. 2. 3. 4. Factors : Higher yield Biotic & Abiotic resistance Iluproved variety Wider adaptability M i xed Cropping 2- Crop 1 Crop production i Inproven•ent 1 Factors : Nutrient rnanagenæn Irrigation Cropping patterns Inter Cropping NI an ure Ferti I i zer Wells Rivers Life systern Crop Rotation Weed 1. Protection in fiel Insect Disease 2. Protection during storage Biotic Abiotic.

Scene 4 (57s)

[Audio] Crop Production Management The plants that are grown and harvested by farmers for-profit and subsistence are called crops. Crops can be consumed by animals and humans and are essential to sustain life. The branch of science that deals with the study of cultivations of crops and the rearing of cattle are called agriculture. Agriculture or aquaculture are the two modes by which crops can be cultivated. Harvested crops are used as food for humans or fodder for livestock. Examples of crops are- Grains, vegetables, fruits, etc. It also includes macroscopic funguses like mushrooms and algae..