The Psychology Behind Data Visualization - Treehouse Tech Group.
Introduction. This report identifies and analyzes instances of improper chart axes in QM354: Data Visualization. Improper axes can hinder data interpretation and lead to misinformed conclusions..
Improper Chart Axes: Exaggerated Difference:.
Improper Chart Axes: Hidden Insight. Definition: This happens when the chosen scale or formatting obscures underlying trends or patterns in the data. This can occur through: Excessive decimal places: Rounding off data to the point where meaningful variations disappear. Inappropriate units: Using units that make it difficult to compare data points (e.g., mixing percentages and absolute values). Cluttered axes: Incorporating too much information on the axes, obscuring the key data points. Impact: Hidden insights can lead to missed opportunities for discovery and understanding. Viewers may overlook important trends or draw incomplete conclusions due to obscured information. Recommendations: Choose appropriate units and data precision to reveal trends without overwhelming viewers. Prioritize clarity and ensure key data points stand out against unnecessary clutter..
Improper Chart Axes: Incorrect Aspect Ratio. Definition: This refers to mismatching the width and height of a chart relative to the actual data distribution. This can lead to: Distorted proportions: Making some data points appear larger or smaller than they are compared to others. Misleading trends: Slopes and changes can appear steeper or shallower than reality due to an incorrect aspect ratio. Impact: Incorrect aspect ratios can lead to misinterpretations of data relationships and trends. Viewers may draw inaccurate conclusions based on visually distorted information. Recommendations: Choose an aspect ratio that accurately reflects the inherent relationships between data points on both axes. Avoid stretching or compressing the chart to fit a specific space or visual preference..
10 8 6 4 2 2018 Mobile Mar Desktop Views by Device May x 10 8 6 5 4 2 2018 Mobile Views by Device May Mar Desktop.
Conclusion. By discussing these specific issues in detail, we can emphasize the importance of accurate and ethical data visualization in QM354. Highlighting the potential impacts of each issue will further strengthen the recommendations provided in the report and promote clearer communication of data insights..