TYPES OF COFFEE ESPRESSO 1 Shot of coffee (1 ounce / 30ml) Also known as a "SHORT BLACK".
ICED COFFEE 2 Shots of coffee 1 tsp Sugar Cold Milk and Ice Top up with Whipped Cream (Optional).
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WHAT IS CREMA? Crema is a brownish foam that forms on the top of freshly made espresso. The presence of Crema represents a good quality and fresh coffee..
BHccwrpopzcam 7DCOFFEE tAAAEA.
ORDERING ICED COFFEE Good afternoon. Can I take your order? Yes. Can I please have an iced GUEST coffee? Certainly. Would you like with or STAFF without whipped cream? Without please..
THE END Thank you and enjoy your Coffee today.
Making good coffee.
Coffee beans • Good coffee beans are: — uniform in appearance, not spotted, discoloured or charred free of impurities — light and dry — free of any stale or rancid smell not black not damp or oily. •When they are ground, good beans will release a mouth-watering aroma..
The espresso machine An espresso machine.