IMAT2723 – Business Intelligence: Case study analysis.
Chosen Organization. Attribute Description Company Name, size and Overall area of business Company name is Sainsbury’s. 152,000 employees Area of business is general merchandise Main customers Main products Main suppliers Main competitors Their main customers are the family unit. “multi-channel retailer that offers groceries, general merchandise, and clothing products” (Global Data, 2023) Sainsbury’s main competitors are other major supermarkets like Asda, Morrisons etc. Mission/vision of the organization “Offering delicious, great quality food at competitive prices has been at the heart of what we do since our first store opened in 1869.” (Sainsbury’s, 2023) Organizational structure Sainsbury’s has a hierarchical Organizational structure consisting of the chairman, chief executive, chief financial officer and then all the directors of each department as seen in appendix 1. For the in-store organizational structure see Appendix 2.
Key business process: Online store. in home not in Items in not in.
Data analytics continuum. Using excel to store all the data Collect data such as products brought, location and frequency that the customers order from web store Use this data to inform branches of what to stock more of. Also use data to create discounts based upon what is most frequently brought i.e. if dog food is frequently being brought in a certain area introduce discounts for other dog products.
Legal/ethical and regulatory issues. Targeted discounts could be seen as manipulative possibly making it unethical to do Ensure that customer data is not shared outside the company without customer’s permission.
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