Your Mind Matters

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Scene 1 (0s)

Mental Health – Your Mind Matters. Heading towards forming the Listening Community.

Scene 2 (7s)

On a random day of a man….

Scene 3 (14s)

The day begins to be greying… The sky seems to be shutting down… Saying that… ‘I’m done for the day, too!’ You’re replaying there… In that deeply shrunk down heart… Just that one scene… Of how your boss humiliated you… Because of that ‘small’ mistake… That mistake… Ouch! It hurts! It hurts deep! Deep down… Making your day goes dark… Making your night goes long… Sleepless nights… Go on and on… Felt lonely! All alone… You begin to wonder then… Is there anyone there… Who can listen to me? Is there anyone there… Who actually cares? Is there anyone there… Who wants to know what’s going on in my life? Is there anyone there… Who is willing to simply give the ear to me for a while? Just the ear… Just an ear… An ear to listen!.

Scene 4 (47s)

An Ear to Listen. Dr. Ila Vasan.