. . . . How to Choose a Freight Elevator?. . . .
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. . ELEVATORS Capacity How & What The Weight and Volume of the material to be transported at ONE TIME will determine the capacity. Remarks & Recommendations However, volume and size of the cabin will also have to be considered keeping in mind the requirement of lift authorities. A capacity of 443 kg/ Sq.mtr for moderate loading is recommended..
. . ELEVATORS Size of Car How & What The volume of goods (trolley size/ no. of pallets) to be transported at ONE TIME will determine the size of the car/ cabin. Remarks & Recommendations You can choose any size that is required by the user, we will suitably design the elevator according to BIS specification..
. . ELEVATORS Number of Floors and Travel Height How & What Each stoppage will be considered as one stop and travel from the bottom most floor to the topmost floor is the travel distance. Remarks & Recommendations Example: A four stop lift will have Ground + First + Second + Third floor. We can cater travel heights from 2.5 meters to 150 meters.
. . ELEVATORS Lifting Speed How & What General industry standard is 0.5 meters/ second i.e. 30 meters/minute. Remarks & Recommendations Higher or Customized speeds is an option.
. . ELEVATORS Machine Room or Machine Room Less How & What Most installations are now machine room less type. However, please check for convenience, if your building height permits or you have an option to provide machine rooms on top of the shaft. This option is not mandatory. Remarks & Recommendations Machine room less elevators save construction cost hence most elevators are now fitted with Gearless Machines which employ latest modern technologies for enhanced performance..
. . ELEVATORS Lift Entrance Door How & What Manual Doors or Automatic Doors with electrical and Mechanical interlocks. Remarks & Recommendations Automatic Doors are used for air-conditioned shop floors or clean room areas or where lift rules demand so. Manual Doors are employed for very rough and tough usage..
. . ELEVATORS Orientation Loading and Un-loading Sides How & What The Car can be loaded from one side and unloaded from another side, please choose from any options. Front Opening - Single side opening Front & Rear Opening -180 degrees -Two side opening Front & Side Opening - 90 degrees -Two side opening Front, Rear & Side Opening -- 180 & 90 degrees - Three side opening Remarks & Recommendations Yes, any choice is possible!.
. . ELEVATORS Cabin Interior & Landing Door & Door Frame Materials How & What Mild Steel Powder Coated I Stainless Steel Remarks & Recommendations General Industries use powder coated finishes. I Food Processing & Pharma industry use stainless steel interiors for unpacked, raw and finished goods.
. . ELEVATORS Traction Drives How & What Counter-Weight System - Use of multiple ropes & out of balance loads. The number of ropes will depend on the load and speed of the elevator. Remarks & Recommendations Elevators used with S4/ S5, Industrial duty always Use multiple BIS ropes & out of balance load system for higher speeds, efficiency, safety and Longer Life..
. . ELEVATORS Safety Brakes & Over-speed Governor How & What Overspeed Governor to trip on more than rated speed in the downward direction which activates the safety brake on cabin to prevent free fall of the elevator in an emergency is mandatory. Remarks & Recommendations During a free fall, when the cabin speed in downward direction is more than the rated speed, the overspeed Governor trips resulting in Safety Brake below the cabin getting actuated resulting in instant stoppage of the lift..
. . ELEVATORS Integrated Frequency Drives with Closed Loop Operations How & What Integrated Drives are the latest technology in Elevator Engineering. CE Certified Integrated lift controllers. Remarks & Recommendations Integrated Drives have inbuilt safety features, smooth functioning and a very good uptime. Results in accurate floor levelling, Jerk less Travel, Soft start & stop features and up to 40% saving on power..
. . ELEVATORS Advanced Optional Features & Benefits Multiple Guiding System Overload Device Automatic Rescue Device Self Leveling Device O Emergency Calling & IOT Functions.
. . ELEVATORS Multiple Guiding System How & What 4 or more guide rails with safety brakes on each rail are used for sturdy and balanced vertical movement in large cabins. Remarks & Recommendations To prevent the car from tilting or for unbalanced loads in the car, in large cabins and heavy concentrated loads multiple guiding system is used. Safety Brake is installed along with all guide rails on the cabin for these installations..
. . ELEVATORS Overload Device How & What When the car is overloaded an Audible and visual display is activated. Remarks & Recommendations Accuracy of +/- 2 to 3 %. When the load is corrected within the permissible limit (rated load) an Auto Correction for normal operations is facilitated instantly..
. . ELEVATORS Automatic Rescue Device ARD How & What In case of Power failure, the lift moves to the next floor. Remarks & Recommendations With the ARD back up device which have Maintenance free batteries, The car travels to the nearest landings and the doors open for evacuation. Mandatory in some states All Controller should have the option to use an ARD..
. . ELEVATORS Re Leveling Device How & What A re levelling device corrects the floor levelling after heavy loads are loaded in the cabin. For very heavy loads, this option is necessary. Remarks & Recommendations Example - When a forklift enters the cabin, the cabin floor level changes, the cabin moves down about 50-75mm (depending on load). The floor level of the cabin needs to be corrected to the landing level. In this instance the Re Levelling device activates and bring back the cabin to match the floor level..
. . ELEVATORS Emergency Calling & IOT Functions How & What Emergency calling for trapped passengers & Remote monitoring. Remarks & Recommendations A passenger can use this facility for calling or reaching out to three pre-fed numbers. The Calling device calls on the pre-fed numbers thrice until it receives a response. Remote monitoring is used by Building Management systems. Easa can also offer this facility for predictive maintenance, fault finding and remote correction..
. . Easa Elevators Pvt. Ltd. Head Office and Showroom 1 No. 2 & 3, Aravali Complex Rajiv Colony, NH-8, Gurgaon-122001 Haryana, India. Branch Office and Showroom 2 SCO 32, Sector 82, JLPL Industrial Area, Mohali- 140308, Punjab, India. Branch Office Office No. 4, Ground Floor, Plot No. A- 15, Sector- 3, Noida - 201301, Uttar Pradesh India. ELEVATORS Manufacturing Unit 0-1, 603/4/5, RIICO Industrial Area, Khushkhera- 300717, Alwar, Rajasthan, India. Contact Us Uttar Pradesh, Delhi, Uttarkhand: +91 966 779 3372 Haryana, Rajasthan, Gujarat: +91 966 779 3373 Punjab, Jammu, Himachal: +91 966 779 3374 Email: [email protected] Web: www.easaelevators.in.