How Electricity Works

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Scene 1 (0s)

How Electricity Works. Nucleus.

Scene 2 (6s)

How Electricity Works. Nucleus. Neutron.

Scene 3 (13s)

How Electricity Works. Nucleus. Neutron. Proton.

Scene 4 (20s)

How Electricity Works. Nucleus. Neutron. Proton. Electron orbital shells.

Scene 5 (28s)

How Electricity Works. Conductors and Insulators.

Scene 6 (38s)

How Electricity Works. Copper Wire. With no current applied the free electrons, within the copper atoms, will move randomly between other atoms.

Scene 7 (49s)

How Electricity Works. With current applied the free electrons, within the copper atoms, will move in the same direction between other atoms..

Scene 8 (0s)

How Electricity Works. The routes that electrons can flow along..