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Scene 1 (0s)

[Audio] This presentation is intended to provide an overview of how CRM is used at AC3.

Scene 2 (7s)

[Audio] CRM is vital to driving sales and facilitating timely delivery of new services to our customers. Each Sales Rep is accountable to: Identifying all sales opportunities within their Account portfolio Maintaining accurate Account and key Contact details Maintaining visible, up-to-date action plans and history of each opportunity. Supporting accurate and up-to-date forecasting..

Scene 3 (39s)

[Audio] A number of tools are in use at AC3 to support the Sales Effort. These include: CRM, using Dynamics 365 and, in particular, using it through Outlook via the Dynamics 365 Add-in Our local form of conceptual selling Green Sheet to support a collaborative, objectives-focussed approach to customer interactions Working as a team to build strategic selling Blue Sheets to develop and drive winning strategies; and Using PowerBI to monitor Sales data integrity and for maintaining solid forecasting against budgets and targets This presentation focusses primarily on CRM..

Scene 4 (1m 28s)

[Audio] Before we begin, though, it's important to understand the primary Sales data relationships. The Sales Team comprises Sales Reps within teams lead by Sales Managers responsible for their respective Territories. Each Sales Rep is responsible for a number of Accounts, each of which will belong to specific industry verticals. These Accounts may represent existing or prospective Customers. Each Account will have a primary contact and a number of Contacts within the Account with whom the Sales Rep will be interacting (or attempting to). Each Sales Opportunities will each be linked to at least one of the Account contacts. Leads will typically be generated outside the Sales Team (eg by Marketing as a result of Marketing Campaigns). Leads will be subject to qualification into Opportunites by the assigned Sales Rep..

Scene 5 (2m 26s)

[Audio] It's important that all Sales data is properly maintained. Each Sales Rep is responsible to ensure that The required Account detail is recorded and maintained for each of your assigned accounts. Each Account will be either: A Prospect – not currently an active (billed) Customer; or A Customer – contract is in place and invoices are being sent Account Contacts are properly identified and maintained and, in particular that : Contacts who move on from the Account are Deactivated The Communication Opt In is set to provide each contact with the appropriate access to AWS CSAT, the Three Magazine, the NPS Survey and the AC3 Christmas Party. Your approach to Customer conversation is properly planned, making regular use of Green Sheet conceptual selling to plan your approach to the client and successfully draw out opportunities..

Scene 6 (3m 32s)

[Audio] Before we move on to the Sales Funnel, a quick word on Lead Generation... LEADS are typically generated by Marketing and Pre-Sales …mainlyas a consequence of MARKETING CAMPAIGNS A LEAD will be assigned by the marketing team to a Sales Rep for QUALIFICATION A qualified Lead becomes an Opportunity in the mouth of the Sales Rep's SALES FUNNEL.

Scene 7 (3m 58s)

[Audio] The Sales Funnel at AC3 comprises 6 distinct phases: Prospecting – At this stage, the Opportunity will be given an easy to remember topic and detailed description. It will be linked to an Account and Contact and will be assigned the Reps best guess at potential value, term, Close and delivery dates and likelihood (%) of success. The Sales Rep will identify whether the Opportunity is likely to be the subject of a tender, competing or non-competing quote or is a more simple MACD under and existing contract. By the end of the Qualifying stage, the Rep will be confident that the known detail about the Opportunity is sufficient to start to have the Opportunity moved through to proposal development. By Needs Assessment stage, the Opportunity will be assigned a Reference Number and be awaiting a Solution Archtect or Engineer to be assigned to develop the Proposal At proposal stage, the Solution Architect/Engineer will be working on the proposal, possibly with a Vendor Partner (in which case a lead will have been registered). In a tender situation, the tender will have been released and the RFx ID recorded. In any case, by this stage, the Customer will have been given (or will have defined) the due date for proposal delivery. Once the proposal is delivered to the Customer, the Opportunity is in Closing and the Sales Rep will be working to ensure a successful outcome by whatever means. The Opportunity is WON once the Purchase Order is received and the Sales Rep is then responsible to pass the opportunity over to an identified delivery team for execution. The Opportunity is not CLOSED until the first invoice is issued and paid ( somewhere close to the Delivery Date)..

Scene 8 (5m 50s)

[Audio] There are rules which the CRM will enforce to ensure that the required data is available at each stage of the process. This slide lays out some of the conditions the CRM tool will check for..

Scene 9 (6m 20s)

[Audio] At AC3, we encourage the use of the Dynamics 365 Add-in in Outlook to drive the bulk of your interaction with the CRM. In this way you can: Quickly create Opportunities, Contacts, Tasks and Appointments Keep all events and emails tracked to (an recorded against) their respective Accounts, Opportunities or Contacts. It is also a convenient entry point into into the native Dynamics 365 CRM.

Scene 10 (6m 54s)

[Audio] If you're used to using the Outlook App for all your email, ensure that you have the Dynamics 365 Add-in installed and that you have the Dynamics Sidebar activated. It's recommended that you keep it pinned in place..

Scene 11 (7m 41s)

[Audio] At AC3, it's generally preferred that the Browser version of Outlook is used. You can click on the three dots on the reading pane to open the Dynamics sidebar which you should keep pinned in place as shown. Make regular use of the Set Regarding to drive your CRM interactions..

Scene 12 (9m 16s)

[Audio] Whether you're using the Outllok App or the preferred browser-based Outlook, you should make regular use of the ' Set Regarding' feature to: Create new Opportunities, contacts or events; Track emails against existing Opportunities, Contacts or Events; or Update the details of Opportunities as they move through the Sales Funnel Doing so ensures that you maintain effective engagement with the rest of the AC3 business in relation to your emerging Opportunities and maximise the opportunity for Customer success..

Scene 13 (9m 54s)

[Audio] In closing… Our way of working with Dynamics 365 CRM is intended to: Increase your Sales efficiency Improve communication wit your Customer and within our business Preserve valuable Account, Contact and Opportunity information. The way we use CRM at AC3 is designed to foster effective Sales and Sales Management. For our Sales Reps it is indeed a lot like breathing!!!.

Scene 14 (10m 32s)

……………... Go for it!!!. 14.