[Audio] The Hour of Code At Manarat Jeddah International School.
[Audio] Why is this important? "Think about things in your everyday life that use computer science: a cell phone, a microwave, a computer, a traffic light… all of these things needed a computer scientist to help build them.".
[Audio] The reality is that Computers and software are changing everything….
[Audio] When people hear the term computer science, they often simply think of the technology it creates.
[Audio] The reality is that computer science is about logic, problem solving, and creativity It teaches students how to think differently about problems they are trying to solve in any context A very simple way to think about this is Computer Science teaches kids how to CREATE new technologies instead of just being consumers of technology – we can make kids creators of technology.
[Audio] Studies show that children who study computer science can perform better in other subjects, excel at problem solving and are 17% more likely to attend college..
[Audio] Coding is the method of giving instructions to a computer to perform a specific task. These instructions are communicated using a " computer language" that computers can understand. These languages include visual blocks, Java, and Python. Learning to code expands problem solving and critical thinking skills, making it a great opportunity for kids to build those skills while young..
[Audio] The Hour of Code started as a one-hour introduction to computer science, designed to clarify " code", to show that anybody can learn the basics, and to broaden participation in the field of computer science. It is a campaign to introduce 10 million students to one hour of Computer Science It has since become a worldwide effort to celebrate computer science, starting with 1-hour coding activities but expanding to all sorts of community efforts..
[Audio] People around the world join in the Hour of Code celebration during CS Education Week. The 2021 Computer Science Education Week will be December 6- 12..
[Audio] Over 100 partners have joined together to support this movement. Every Apple Store in the world has hosted an Hour of Code, and leaders like President Obama and Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau wrote their first lines of code as part of the campaign..
[Audio] This year, let's make it even bigger. We at Manarat Jeddah International School are asking you to join the Hour of Code 2021. Please get involved with an Hour of Code event during Computer Science Education Week, December 6- 12..
[Audio] Please visit hourofcode.com and click join us.
[Audio] Let us put our school name and city on the map..
[Audio] I don't know anything about coding. Can I still host an event? Of course. Hour of Code activities are self-guided. All you have to do is try the tutorials and activities, What devices should I use for my students? Code.org tutorials work on all devices and browsers. work on PCs, smartphones, tablets..
[Audio] Hour of Code activities are self-guided.
[Audio] So Let's get started. Let's Get Started!.
[Audio] Kindly Visit code.org and sign in. Learn All grades Search Teach Projects Pre-reader Stats Help Us About Hour of Code Activities Try a one-hour tutorial designed for all ages in over 45 languages. Join millions of students and teachers in over 180 countries starting with an Hour of Code. Want to keep learning? Go beyond an hour Teachers: Host an hour or read the How- Create v Sign in Grades 2-5 To Guide Grades 6-8 Grades 9+ Beginner Comfortable BLOCKS JUMPER.
[Audio] Continue with Microsoft. You can use your maarif account..
[Audio] Open the Students Login Cards pdf file. Each student has a card including login link, and secret password picture. Find the student's card. Then, click on the link in the student's card to take you directly to the student's class at code.org..
[Audio] Select the student's name. But, In order to select the secret picture, Refer to the Student login card pdf. For Example: Jawhara's secret picture is a red bird based on her Login Card provided. Select the student unique Password picture. Then, click sign in..
[Audio] Click Try Now to start coding. The student and the teacher can check the progress and level status..
[Audio] Watch the instructional videos. Read all the instruction. Move the coding blocks accordingly. Click run to try the code. Continue all the levels till the end. Finally, Click finish to get your completion certificate..
[Audio] Type the student's name in the box then click "Submit" Click Print to save the certificate You can then Share it, share photos and videos of your Hour of Code event with your teacher and on social media..
[Audio] The goal of the Hour of Code is not to teach anybody to become an expert computer scientist in one hour. One hour is only enough to learn that computer science is fun and creative, that it is accessible at all ages, for all students, regardless of background. When you come across difficulties it's okay Ask 3 classmates, and if they don't have the answer, then ask the teacher. " Technology doesn't always work out the way we want. Together, we're a community of learners." "Learning to program is like learning a new language; you won't be fluent right away." When students partner up, they help each other and rely less on the teacher. They'll also see that computer science is social and collaborative..
[Audio] Thank you for Learning and Celebrating Computer Science with Us Today! Happy Hour of code!.