HOGWARTS. HOGWARTS. Department of English Presents Harry Potter: A Return to Hogwarts.
6. Today is the 25th anniversary of the first Harry Potter book! We would like to take you down memory lane.
14. Harry Potter , the fictional character, is a boy wizard created by British author J.K. Rowling. His coming-of-age exploits were the subject of seven enormously popular novels (1997–2007), which were adapted into eight films (2001–11); a play and a book of its script appeared in 2016..
3. J.K. Rowling first had the idea for Harry Potter while delayed on a train travelling from Manchester to London King’s Cross in 1990. She wrote mostly in longhand on scraps of paper..
13. She arrived in Edinburgh in 1993 with three chapters of Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone in her suitcase. By now she had a baby daughter, Jessica, but she continued to write in every spare moment she could find..
2. After finishing the first book and whilst training as a teacher, Harry Potter was accepted for publication by Bloomsbury after being rejected by 12 other publishers!.
1. The 3 friends in the book were:. Harry Potter Hermione Granger Ron Weasley.
VARI0050. The Harry Potter books have broken many records. In 2007 Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows became the fastest-selling book ever. The Harry Potter series is now published in 80 languages, and over 500 million copies have been sold across the world..
15. The books concern Harry Potter and his journey through Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. The stories tell of him overcoming dangerous obstacles to defeat the Dark Wizard Lord Voldemort, who killed his parents when Harry was 15 months old..
9. The first and final books of the Harry Potter books of the series came out ten years apart. Coincidentally, the first and last films of the series also came out ten years apart. In total, the Harry Potter series spanned 36 years, beginning in 1981 and ending in 2017..
16. Thank you!.