Gunotsav 2022 District- bongaigaon

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Scene 1 (0s)

Gunotsav 2022 District- bongaigaon.

Scene 2 (6s)

numbers of educational blocks – 4.. numbers of Schools coveted- 1008..

Scene 3 (22s)

Preparatory works/ trainings:. One day district level liaison officers’ (B.r.p and c.r.c.c.) training. –.

Scene 4 (39s)

abstract. Pre-gunotsav review meeting at birjhora H.S. School in presence of s.n. Choudhury, m.d., a.s.t.p.p.c. Guwahati..

Scene 5 (59s)

District level training of external evaluators..

Scene 6 (1m 6s)

Block level nodal teachers’ training-. VIV'.

Scene 7 (1m 13s)

Cluster level teachers’ training:. LEVEL TEACHERS TRAINING.

Scene 8 (1m 22s)

Confidential materials distributed to teachers:. 4..

Scene 9 (1m 33s)

Glimpses of self evaluation :. iiiiii!i lit.

Scene 10 (1m 43s)

External evaluation at a glance : Phanibhushan Choudhury, M.L.a, 32 no. Abhayapuri at tengaigaon high school. Block- bongaigaon..

Scene 11 (2m 0s)

-14. Ajoy kr. Ray, M.l.a. bijni, Chirang At 849 no Bibekanda siksha Nikitan, block – manikpur..

Scene 12 (2m 11s)

uuml nun. Shri Rajesh Prasad, IAS Principal Secretary, Excise, Irrigation, Soil Conservation and Housing & Urban Affairs Departments and Chairman, SLNA, WDC- PMKSYat.

Scene 13 (2m 24s)

Mukesh Kr. Sahu, IAS, Principal Secretary, Social Welfare, WPT & BC and Welfare of Bodoland Deptts. CEO, SITA, Assam at JNM Girls'High school, Abhayapuri (left) & 445 NO. PACHDUAR LPS (right) Block- Srijangram..

Scene 14 (2m 39s)

S. Srinivasa Rao, IFS, Special, PCCF (Legal) At J.N.M. GIRLS HIGH SCHOOL. Block- Boitamari.

Scene 15 (2m 49s)

Kxqeo% LIS un. Suman mahapatra, PCCF & CEO (CAMPA) at Manikpur Senior Basic school, block- manikpur..

Scene 16 (2m 58s)

Nabadeep pathak ,D C Bongaigaon, Bongaigaon Town ME school, block- bongaigaon..

Scene 17 (3m 10s)

Bhaskar Das, ACS, District Development Commissioner (DDC), bongaigaon at SALBARI LP school..

Scene 18 (3m 20s)

Important Telephone os.. Jenifer Yasmine Choudhury , acs, SDO(s) At Hindi vidyalaya me school. Block- bongaigaon ..

Scene 19 (3m 29s)

Nabajyoti ojha, A.D.C. At bongaigaon Town high school..

Scene 20 (3m 38s)

Children with special needs appearing in Gunotsav 2022:.

Scene 21 (3m 52s)

Visiting team from SMO & DMO visited char areas :.

Scene 22 (4m 7s)

External evaluators on their way to respective schools..

Scene 23 (4m 16s)

GUNOTSAV 2022 KEY DECISIONS Gunotsav is to be held regularly every year- 2- 4- 5- 6- 7- 8- 9- Science and Mather-natics are to be taught in English in all schools Of Assarn- Assar-nese to be continued as a rnediun•• for other subjects- A hybrid rnodel of rnediurn is to be introduced- There vvill be a rotation of teachers a district- I arn ready to listen to all the grievances of the teachers and solve thern; but will not appreciate any agitation- VVork culture is the need of the hour- Govt- vvill discuss with all stakeholders regarding i rn pl erne ntation- Suggestions are welcorne- @ / ranoj peguassarn.

Scene 24 (4m 42s)

Acknowledgement-. Kudos to team Bongaigaon for successful conduct of Gunotsav under the able guidance of District Administration !.

Scene 25 (4m 52s)

Thank you.