HSE Induction

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Scene 1 (0s)

[Audio] Hello Every one and welcome to DAR al Riyadh Family On behalf of HSEQ department I would like to welcome you for office HSE induction , for site HSE inductions , please contact your HSE department and follow the safety plan and instructions accordingly Now I would like to introduce my self , my name is Amir Irshad and I am working in DAR AL RIYADH for last ten years as a senior Quality Engineer. So lets start with the objectives of our HSE induction Programmme.

Scene 2 (33s)

[Audio] Objectives of our HSE induction are To Understand how to prevent injuries & ill health. To Know what to do in emergency situations. To Understand DAR HSE policies and procedures. To Increase HSE knowledge and awareness among the DAR employees.

Scene 3 (56s)

[Audio] We will cover the Following Topics today in our HSE induction What is HSE and HSE MS requirements Dar Al Riyadh HSE Policy and Procedures ( we will see how these are maintained, shared or communicated to the DAR staff and they can be accessed ) General Office Safety Hazards and Prevention ( we will identify general office hazards ) Fire Emergency and Evacuation Procedure ( DAR has standard procedure for the emergency evacuation in case of fire or any other emergency, all DAR employees working at site or client premises need to follow the procedure included in project safety plan or as applicable) Medical Emergency and First Aid Procedure ( DAR has standard procedure for medical emergency and first aid , which will be discussed during the induction) Ergonomics ( we will be discussing the health hazards related to work stations) Office Environmental issues ( we will discuss how we can contribute to save the environment) Safety Signs ( it will describe the importance of safety signs and consequences of neglecting the safety signs) Your roles and Responsibilities ( with regards to Health safety and environment) HSE Induction Quiz ( 2 Sections) ( at the end of section one, all participants will receive a link for the quiz by the instructor and need to complete within 5 minutes , it's a multiple cjoise questionnaire) HSE Induction training Feedback ( at the end of this induction, each participant has to fill the feedback survey form , by accessing the link shared by the instructor).

Scene 4 (2m 41s)

[Audio] Now we will see what is HSE and HSE Management System Requirements What is HSE ? HSE ( Health, Safety and Environment) is a set of processes and procedures identifying potential hazards to a certain environment, developing best practices to reduce or remove those hazards, and then training employees for accident prevention and accident response. What are HSE MS Requirements ? Organizational Procedures and Policies Legal and Regulatory Obligations Contractual Requirements ( Client Specific) Requirements in the ISO and OHSA standards for HSE.

Scene 5 (3m 27s)

[Audio] Why HSE is important Because Life & health is very important to oneself & his family. Compliance to HSE legal & regulatory requirements is must. Prevent fatalities, lost time injuries, damages to properties and bad publicity..

Scene 6 (3m 51s)

[Audio] What is DAR AL Riyadh HSE Policy Dar Al Riyadh Health and Safety Policy stated by CEO gives a commitment to: Provide a safe place of work. Compliance to HSE legal & regulatory requirements. Applying a proactive approach to risk management. Preventing accidents and work-related ill-health..

Scene 7 (4m 18s)

[Audio] This slide shows the DAR HSE policy issued in July 2020, DAR HSE policy is approved and signed by CEO And this policy is displayed at various locations in the office..

Scene 8 (4m 35s)

[Audio] You can access the DAR AL RIYADH HSE / Q documents / Policies and Procedures through Dar Al Riyadh portal and DAR Home. Above Image shows how we can access HSE/Q documents through DAR portal If you have any question or facing problem in accessing these documents please contact HSEQ department.

Scene 9 (4m 59s)

[Audio] Each employee must consider him / her self responsible for the safety of him/her self and fellow employees. There might be various hazards around you and one small hazard can make the chain lading to the big disaster , lets have a look at this video how we can avoid hazards around you and break the chain of hazards..