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Scene 1 (0s)


Scene 2 (9s)

. Neriza I. De Guzman. . Maria Judith Fronda. . Jay Dioquino.

Scene 3 (21s)


Scene 4 (29s)

A business letter is a professional, formal letter that is sent by one company to another. These letters can be used for professional correspondence between business clients, employees, stakeholders as well as individuals. Whether you need to tell a potential client about your product, collaborate with another company, convince someone to attend your event, or give a thank you note – a well-written business letter can stand out..

Scene 5 (50s)


Scene 6 (57s)

TYPES OF BUSINESS LETTER. 6. . Cover letters. The purpose of a cover letter is to describe what is enclosed and provide a description of what the receiver should do with it. Thank you letters. . These can be great for networking and relationship building. Complaint letters. The key to these types of letters is to demonstrate that you are displeased without being over-the-top angry. Suggest how the receiver of the letter might correct the situation..

Scene 7 (2m 29s)

TYPES OF BUSINESS LETTER. 7. . Adjustment letters. This is a response to a complaint letter. The point is to be humble in the response and to offer potential solutions. You want to avoid burning bridges and instead use your response as a relationship-building tool. Bad news letters. The key with bad news letters is to soften the blow. Being direct is valued in business writing. But when writing bad news letters, it’s best to remind the receiver about what actually works in your business relationship before breaking the bad news to him or her..

Scene 8 (3m 13s)

TYPES OF BUSINESS LETTER. 8. . Acknowledgment letters. They are meant to acknowledge that you received an item from someone, or that you are aware of a fact or error they pointed out. Memos. Often used to spread important news and directives inside a company, the point with memos is to be fast and to the point with your communications. Congratulatory letters. The idea with these types of letters is to stay on point and avoid sounding over-the-top or mocking..

Scene 9 (4m 19s)

TYPES OF BUSINESS LETTER. 9. Response letters. This is about explaining or listing off how a request was fulfilled. Letter of request. The key with these types of letters is to ask for help without groveling or being overly emotional. Take a hard look at the adjectives you’re using in the letter..

Scene 10 (4m 57s)

TYPES OF BUSINESS LETTER. 10. . Sales letters. These letters require a strong call to action or hook at the beginning so that the receiver continues to read and discovers the benefits of whatever you are selling. Make sure to provide information so that they can easily respond. Resignation letters. This is about giving notice that you are leaving a position, providing a last day of employment, and explaining what is causing you to leave..

Scene 11 (6m 1s)


Scene 12 (6m 8s)

PARTS OF BUSINESS LETTER. 1. Sender’s address You don’t want the recipient to have to look up your address in order to write a response. A phone number and email address can be included as well..

Scene 13 (6m 51s)

PARTS OF BUSINESS LETTER. 5. Body It’s generally wise to stay professional and get to the point. As with any communications, being clear and concise tends to reflect best on the writer..

Scene 14 (7m 15s)


Scene 15 (7m 22s)

Full Block Style Block letter format is commonly used to correspond between businesses and between individuals and businesses. Its main purposes are to inform, request or register a complaint..

Scene 16 (7m 36s)

In full block format letter: All the text is aligned to the left margin All lines are left justified Paragraphs are not indented Paragraphs are separated by double or triple spacing Everything is followed by a single blank space in most case but there are exceptions : three or four spaces follow the date; two spaces follow the body; three or four spaces after the closing (enough room for a signature); and two blank lines after the sender's title There is no punctuation in the addresses There is a comma after the greeting, although some in the U.S. prefer a colon The closing is also followed by a comma.

Scene 17 (8m 37s)

Semi-Block Style Semi-Block letter format is as mentioned, has partial formatting of a full block style..

Scene 18 (8m 47s)

BUSINESS LETTER’S STYLES. In Semi-Block Format Letter: All text is aligned to the left margin except to the date line, complimentary close and signature block that are aligned with, or slightly to the right of dead center Paragraphs are indented at five-character spaces Paragraphs are separated by a double line space.

Scene 19 (9m 37s)

BUSINESS LETTER’S STYLES. Modified Block Style Is a conventional way of writing formal business letters. Its format is applicable to both print and email correspondence. Its main purposes include cover letters, thank you letters, letters of resignation and sales letters..

Scene 20 (9m 53s)

BUSINESS LETTER’S STYLES. In Modified Block Format Letter: All text is aligned to the left margin, except for the author's address, date, and closing Paragraphs are not indented The author's address, date, and closing are usually indented three inches from the left margin, but can be set anywhere to the right of the middle of the page, as long as all three elements are indented to the same position..

Scene 21 (10m 14s)

BUSINESS LETTER’S STYLES. Modified Semi-Block Style There are partial elements of modified block style..

Scene 22 (10m 24s)

BUSINESS LETTER’S STYLES. In Modified Semi-Block Format Letter : All text is aligned to the left margin, except for the author's address, date, and closing Paragraphs are indented The author's address, date, and closing are usually indented in same position.

Scene 23 (11m 13s)


Scene 24 (11m 21s)

WHEN TO WRITE A BUSINESS LETTER. 24. When you have a conflict with a colleague.

Scene 25 (12m 57s)

WHEN TO WRITE A BUSINESS LETTER. 25. When you are applying for a position.

Scene 26 (14m 4s)


Scene 27 (14m 11s)

27. PURPOSE ON WRITING A BUSINESS LETTER. Convey Information The basic purpose of any business letter is to convey information regarding business activities. Information can be transmitted through business letter to customers, suppliers, debtors, government authorities, financial institutions, bank and insurance companies and to any other parties related with the business..

Scene 28 (14m 40s)

28. PURPOSE ON WRITING A BUSINESS LETTER. Creation of Goodwill In this electronic era messages can be sent within few seconds through electronic media but a well decorated business letter has its own importance in creation positive image of the company..

Scene 29 (15m 9s)

29. PURPOSE ON WRITING A BUSINESS LETTER. To Inquire A business concern not only sends messages but also receive information from the outside. To run the business any firm need different types of information from outside. Through business letters firms can inquire regarding necessary matters..

Scene 30 (15m 36s)


Scene 31 (15m 44s)

IMPORTANCE OF BUSINESS LETTER. 31. Exchanging business information Letters are the most economical and convenient means of exchanging information..

Scene 32 (16m 3s)

IMPORTANCE OF BUSINESS LETTER. 32. Substitute to personal visit Introduction of letters in business world relieves the business executives’ form visiting their clients, suppliers, creditors and other public groups by traveling a long distance..

Scene 33 (16m 24s)

IMPORTANCE OF BUSINESS LETTER. 33. Formal agreement Business letter acts as formal agreement between buyer and seller..

Scene 34 (16m 42s)

IMPORTANCE OF BUSINESS LETTER. 34. Legal acceptance Business letter is an acceptable document in the eye of law. It can be stored and produced as documentary proof..

Scene 35 (16m 58s)


Scene 36 (17m 5s)


Scene 37 (17m 20s)

Relegate Technical Details To Attachments. 37. TIPS IN WRITING BUSINESS LETTER.

Scene 38 (17m 30s)

38. Thanks you!.