[Audio] TABLE OF CONTENTS Problem Solving Methodology Problem Solving Tools and Techniques Location Facilities Capacity Planning Layout Strategy.
[Audio] By the end of the lesson, you'll be able to: • Learn the different methods of problem solving. • Discover various tools and techniques in solving a problem. • Acquire knowledge on location facilities capacity planning. • Find out relevant layout strategy. LEARNING OBJECTIVES :.
[Audio] • Defining a problem. • Determining the cause of the problem. • Identifying, prioritizing and selecting alternatives for a solution. • Implementing a solution. PROBLEM SOLVING METHODOLOGY Problem solving is the act of :.
[Audio] Problem Solving Tools and Techniques Problem solving tools are strategies that can help determine the cause of a problem and identify the best solutions available..
[Audio] Problem Solving Tools and Techniques Examples : 1. Brainstorming Brainstorming is a popular group problem-solving technique. It is typically referred to as a technique for: ❖ Group thinking sessions (where all ideas are collected)..
[Audio] Problem Solving Tools and Techniques ❖Stimulating creative thinking. ❖Spontaneous participation. ❖Group problem-solving (around a specific question or challenge). 1. Brainstorming.
[Audio] Problem Solving Tools and Techniques ❖Generating new ideas or creative solutions (drawing on lateral thinking/thinking outside the box). ❖Ensuring all ideas are captured and nothing is criticized or critiqued until the later analysis stage. 1. Brainstorming.
[Audio] Problem Solving Tools and Techniques Examples : 2. A diagram that visually organizes information and involves writing down a central theme/concept and thinking of new and related ideas which radiate out from the center. Mind Mapping.
[Audio] A strategic planning tool that is used to generate information on which rigorous, logical, defendable decision can be based. As the diagram highlights, SWOT stands for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats. 3. SWOT ANALYSIS Examples :.
[Audio] Problem Solving Tools and Techniques Examples : 3. SWOT ANALYSIS.
[Audio] Problem Solving Tools and Techniques The 5 W's is a questioning and problem-solving method that aims to view ideas and issues from different perspectives. It helps you to understand a problem better and find the root cause of it. 5W is an acronym for What, Where, When, Why, and Who. 4. The 5W's.
[Audio] Problem Solving Tools and Techniques Examples : 4. The 5W's.
[Audio] Location Facilities Capacity Planning Creating a plan, as a company, to decide how much of a product to produce and where to produce it..
[Audio] A right location provides adequate access to customers, skilled labors and in transportation. A right location ensures success of the organization in current global competitive environment. Location Facilities Capacity Planning Why location facilities relevant to a business?.
[Audio] Location Facilities Capacity Planning Having the wrong level of capacity causes negative effects. Too much capacity means that are costs are higher than they should be since we are paying for more land, equipment and a larger building than we need. Not enough capacity negatively affects the level of service provided to our customers. Why capacity planning is important to a business?.
[Audio] Click to edit theme title text An efficient layout strategy focuses on the best methods to integrate the flow of materials, people, and information within and between areas to accomplish the business mission. 17 LAYOUT STRATEGY.
[Audio] Layout is one of the key decisions that determines the long-run efficiency of operations. Layout has strategic implications because it establishes an organization's competitive priorities in regard to capacity, processes, flexibility, and cost, as well as quality of work life, customer contact, and image. LAYOUT STRATEGY.
[Audio] FOUR TYPES OF LAYOUT STRATEGY Process Layouts Product Layouts Fixed-Position Layouts Hybrid Layouts.
[Audio] The process layout arranges workflow around the production process. All workers performing similar tasks are grouped together. Products pass from one workstation to another (but not necessarily to every workstation). FOUR TYPES OF LAYOUT STRATEGY 1. Process Layout.
[Audio] FOUR TYPES OF LAYOUT STRATEGY 2. Product Layout A product layout, also known as "line layout", arranges production resources around the product or service produced by that resource. That is, the resources are arranged and dedicated to a particular product or service..
[Audio] Hybrid layouts place together resources which service a subset of the total range of products or services. The grouping of products/services is known as a "family". FOUR TYPES OF LAYOUT STRATEGY 3. Hybrid Layout.
[Audio] FOUR TYPES OF LAYOUT STRATEGY 4. Fixed-Position Layout The Fixed-Position layout is used when the product or service cannot be moved, and the production process must happen at the delivery location..