GridMax Internal Promotional Video. Story Board & Planning.
[Audio] Today GM is transforming from automaker to platform innovator. At GM Energy we are passionate about making EV's affordable to our customers and helping Utility companies deal with challenges from electrification of transportation. GM Energy is hard at work to bring new innovative solutions that will add new benefits to EV owners while making our National grid infrastructure resilient..
[Audio] Electrification of transportation is posing new challenges to Distribution Planners at Utility companies It is expected that there will be 20 to 50 million electric vehicles on the road by 2030 in the USA Load on the Grid from charging EV's is expected to be at 200-500 GW by the same year To support this level of high demand on the grid, Infrastructure upgrades will be necessary. These infrastructure upgrades are expensive and time consuming. For example: adding a new transformer to a distribution line could take anywhere from 1 to 3 years Distribution Planner's need a way to forecast EV demand so they can plan the type of infrastructure upgrades and timing.
[Audio] GridMax is an innovative suite of products that will help Utility companies navigate the challenges posed by EV's We are just getting started. The Gridmax Web Application will allow Utility Customers to gain insights, get recommendations, launch programs and manage resources from within this powerful suite of state-of-the-art applications.
[Audio] GridMax Forecasting is one of the four modules on our roadmap to develop this product line into a valuable platform for Utilities. With our new GridMax: Forecasting Web application, distribution planners across the USA can forecast demand from EV's . They can gain valuable insights into demand variability, stress points on the infrastructure and when those stress events occur. The GridMax forecasting capabilities enable utilities to anticipate grid capacity shortfalls up to 10 years in advance, providing valuable information on when and where these shortfalls may occur..
[Audio] GridMax's forecasting feature provides utilities with the ability to analyze current and future grid capacity projections in specific spatial sub-areas. The changes made to the forecasts are visually reflected on the map [Temporal] Users can further refine the forecasts by adjusting assumptions, such as the start year and duration, to gain a better understanding of areas that require urgent infrastructure upgrades. [Report] With forecasting, users can download a CSV report using the report tab in order to summarize their forecast for system operators and regulators Here you can find energy forecasting information, such as the minimum, maximum, and average demand, on each desired location for the requested duration of time [Graph] Users can also view the forecasted data on a graph by selecting the graph tab..
[Audio] The Admin Dashboard offers a method to manage user and organization information as well as onboard and off board users. This empowers a Utility company to manage the users while GM handles authentication and protection of sensitive information.
[Audio] Freemium is available today for Utility customers. Our next set of improvements will empower Planners in these companies to gain actionable insights..