[Audio] About Us THYNK UNLIMITED We are senior high school researchers and we will provide information regarding school uniforms. As well as its factors and impacts. Green White Minimalist Modern Real Estate Presentation We are senior high school researchers and we will provide information regarding school uniforms. As well as its factors and impacts. Page 2 of 36.
[Audio] Green White Minimalist Modern Real Estate Presentation We all know that School uniform is the clothing that students are required to wear at school. but does clothing make the person or does the person make the clothing? Page 3 of 36.
[Audio] Green White Minimalist Modern Real Estate Presentation How does what attire a student wears to school impacts a student's behavior and its overall being? Page 4 of 36.
[Audio] Green White Minimalist Modern Real Estate Presentation Some people believe that wearing a school uniform is important as it makes all children equal because they look the same. At school, we call a dress code. This means that children are not competing against each other to wear more expensive or designer clothes which can help take any pressure off to children or the parents. Some may say it is a sense of pride where it is often felt when wearing a uniform as it shows a sense of belonging. In addition, wearing a uniform helps to make children look smart and prepare them for the future. Page 5 of 36.
[Audio] Green White Minimalist Modern Real Estate Presentation But lots of students seem to think that wearing a uniform is too strict and boring and does not allow them to express their personalities or be an individual. Page 6 of 36.
[Audio] Green White Minimalist Modern Real Estate Presentation In our experience, we do have this thoughts. Many agree and do not agree with this school policy ,some reasons might be because of some factors. Page 7 of 36.
[Audio] FACTORS IMPACT Green White Minimalist Modern Real Estate Presentation So what effects or impacts does uniform have upon the students' behavior and what are the factors encountered by the students? Page 8 of 36.
[Audio] WELCOME TO OUR DATA INFORMATION DRIVE Green White Minimalist Modern Real Estate Presentation Welcome to our data information drive Page 9 of 36.
[Audio] SCHOOL UNIFORM THYNK UNLIMITED Green White Minimalist Modern Real Estate Presentation uniforms have been an essential part of many institutions, but their use in public schools has grown. Many public schools have adopted dress rules or uniform regulations to address various challenges that arise in the classrooms.A student's uniform represents equality and cohesion at school. Page 10 of 36.
[Audio] Green White Minimalist Modern Real Estate Presentation This figure shows the participant's profile in terms of age and gender. Which, at the age of 15, 6.67% are male respondents and 2.33% are female respondents. The male and female respondents at the age of 16 have both 10% .At the age of 17, there are 10% male respondents and 20% female respondents.The male respondents at the age of 18 are 10% while female respondents have 667% . At 19 years old the percentage of male respondents are 10% while 0% of female respondents . Lastly, the percentage male respondents at the age of 20 is 0% and 3.33% on female respondents .This implies that the majority of grade 10 students are 15 years old and 17 years old in grade 12 students. It shows that younger students may be more receptive to school uniforms than older ones. Page 11 of 36.