Grade 7 life orientation Hajane L.K.J

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Scene 1 (0s)

Grade 7 life orientation H ajane L.K.J. SUBSTANCE ABUSE.

Scene 2 (1m 13s)

INTRODUCTION, SUBSTANCE ABUSE. KEN STORY (intro) Ken was a heavy user who started experimenting with weed. His body developed tolerance to weed, he searched for higher highs. His experimented more and was addicted to Nyaope.

Scene 3 (3m 40s)

Substance abuse: continued.. Effects and types of substance abuse. Acid Nyaope Heroine Marijuana. Ecstasy Drug abuse causes irreparable damage to the body, resulting in liver damage, stroke and seizure..

Scene 4 (5m 13s)

D evelopment. Substances can be classified as illegal and legal Example grandpa, panado , (legal) Acid, heroine and ecstacy .(Illegal) Abuse of substances leads to addiction, Addiction is when an individual becomes too reliant on a particular substance/drug, Sysmptoms include : increased aggression, changes in personality and weight loss..

Scene 5 (5m 18s)

Development Prevention programmes.. Prevention of drug abuse programmes include. School peer counseling. Family counselling,. Estalish a drug free zones. And health care programmes..