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Scene 1 (0s)

Here’s what you’ll find in this Slidesgo template: A slide structure based on a consulting sales pitch, which you can easily adapt to your needs. For more info on how to edit the template, please visit Slidesgo School or read our FAQs . An assortment of illustrations to use in the presentation can be found in the alternative resources slide . A thanks slide , which you must keep so that proper credits for our design are given. A resources slide , where you’ll find links to all the elements used in the template. Instructions for use . Final slides with: The fonts and colors used in the template. More infographic resources , whose size and color can be edited. Sets of customizable icons of the following themes: general, business, avatar, creative process, education, help & support, medical, nature, performing arts, SEO & marketing, and teamwork..

Scene 2 (41s)

A Scrum Island in a waterfall environment. Gothaer Group - Wikipedia.

Scene 3 (48s)

Agenda. Our case study. 01. 02. 03. 04. 01. 02. 03.

Scene 4 (1m 3s)

Scrum island in waterfall environment. Gothaer, a German Insurance Company, based in Cologne buys software after the failure of DIY solution. Working with their service provider, Gothaer dev team leader, Joe, realizes that waterfall is no longer a suitable method to develop software. He decides to switch his team to Agile development methods while the rest of the company’s projects maintain waterfall..

Scene 5 (1m 24s)

[Audio] Gothaer is one of the first insurance companies in Germany.

Scene 6 (1m 31s)

Gothaer Timeline. DEC. NOV. OCT. SEP. AUG. JUL. JUN.

Scene 7 (2m 3s)

4.5 B. 1.2 B. 1.8 B. Premium income. Investment results.

Scene 8 (2m 15s)

Gothaer Group - Wikipedia. 4 million. Insured customers.

Scene 9 (2m 24s)

Company Structure. Gothaer Allgemeine Versicherung AG (General Insurance) Gothaer Versicherungsbank (VVaG) (Gothaer Insurance Company) Gothaer Finanzholding AG (Gothaer Financial Holding) Gothaer Gothaer Krankenversicherung Lebensvers icherung AG (Life Insurance) Gothaer Systems GmbH (Gothaer Systems) Gothaer Asigurari Reasigurari S.A. (Health Insurance) Janitos Versicherung AG (Janitos Insurance) Gothaer Towarzystwo Ubezpieczen SA.

Scene 10 (2m 36s)

[Audio] They also big players in the InsurTech field. The firms offer a wide and varied range of insurance products in areas such as health, property, liability, and renewable energy to both private and business customers. Gothaer was one of the first insurers to discover a novel and promising business line: renewable energy. Gothaer covers nearly every renewable energy area, including wind, solar, bioenergy, geothermal power, and hydropower. Gothaer takes over the entire process from development to implementation and operation of the solution..

Scene 11 (3m 17s)

[Audio] In 2015, German insurers again increased their IT system expenses. From a strategic perspective, the support of an Enterprise/ IT strategy continues to receive the highest priority within insurance companies. The goals are productivity and efficiency enhancements through agile software development approaches, improving workflows, and the support of IT. In accordance with this goal, cost optimization activities regain significance. Accordingly, IT costs and personnel have increased over the years across the sector..

Scene 12 (3m 56s)

Insurance companies’ spending on IT. 2014 2015 2016 External consulting 24.4% 26.3% 26.9% External providers /outsourcing 8.0% 8.8% 9.7%.

Scene 13 (4m 11s)

[Audio] It is remarkable that the IT expenses were largely increased compared to the gross premium income that only represents + 0.3%.

Scene 14 (4m 22s)

[Audio] Digitalization is measured using 4 parameters: growth, efficiency, perspective and impulses. The segment 'efficiency', which includes measures for increasing productivity, such as faster insurance policy take-outs and product deliveries, as well as the modernization of the IT organization, is part of the ' perspective' segment (big data, cloudification of infrastructure). Impulses and perspective are still in the incipient stages, needing more development / to mature in order to reach the level of efficiency and growth ( data security and compliance, GDPR), which are reaching the end of development..

Scene 15 (5m 5s)

[Audio] In an increasingly digitized world, that meant that Insurance companies are under the pressure to innovate More customizable contracts, fast more efficient processes, innovative products.

Scene 16 (5m 20s)

IT STRUCTURE. Pmphase C Stage Risk Management Committe W.

Scene 17 (5m 28s)

GOBEST suffered from scope creep 2. System had many functions but not applicable to all operations 3. Very complex and low usability.

Scene 18 (5m 54s)

Competitive edge for the company. Repositioning o commercial customer business Standardize and automate to distribute insurance policies while remaining flexible Possible growth for the company.

Scene 19 (6m 20s)

[Audio] Delta working in 2 weeks increments Joe realizes this is not sustainable Joe's questions: How can the team be more flexible in dealing with Alpha? How can the team develop new increments? Do they have the right skills? Is waterfall the right approach?.

Scene 20 (6m 44s)

Gothaer Systems Beta Systems Alpha Systems. GOSMART.

Scene 21 (6m 54s)

Is a process model with several sequential product phases, CASCADING progress One phase finishes, the other starts Adaptation done only when current phase is finished.

Scene 22 (7m 6s)

Waterfall: Pros and cons. Advantages of waterfall Disadvantages of Waterfall Simple Model rigidity Easy to learn Customer not included till the end Easy to use Long meetings and very detailed plans Easy to document project and results System might not meet user requirements (outdated) A lot of documentation First results only possible near the end of the process Once plans are executed, they are not revisited No or little communication between team members.

Scene 23 (7m 27s)

Top benefits of AGILE:. Manage changing priorities Increase team productivity Improved visibility.

Scene 24 (7m 40s)

Waterfall no longer relevant. Joe remembers previous training he received on Agile methods and pitches to his team. They decide to give it and his team a go. As scrum master, he began to form his team by integrating people from the internal IT service provider, Gothaer Systems, and the external service provider, Alpha systems..

Scene 25 (8m 5s)

Scrum characteristics. <a href ="">Work illustrations by Storyset </a>.

Scene 26 (8m 14s)

SCRUM Pros and Cons.

Scene 27 (8m 21s)

Lack of appropriate training Lack of clearly defined roles No Product owner = no user representative.

Scene 28 (8m 31s)


Scene 29 (8m 37s)


Scene 30 (8m 42s)

SWOT Analysis. 30. STRENGTHS Blue is the colour of the clear sky and the deep sea.

Scene 31 (9m 1s)

Humor: Requirements Methodology Diversity.

Scene 32 (9m 8s)

Scene 33 (9m 14s)

Mercury is the SMALLEST planet. Here you can write about the solutions you offer Here you can write about the solutions you offer Here you can write about the solutions you offer Here you can write about the solutions you offer Here you can write about the solutions you offer.

Scene 34 (9m 30s)

OUR TEAM. JOHN JAMES. You can replace the image on the screen with yours.

Scene 35 (9m 42s)

OUR PARTNERS. jupiter. It’s the biggest planet in the Solar System.

Scene 36 (10m 2s)

TESTIMONIALS. Helena james. “Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun and the smallest one in the Solar System”.

Scene 37 (10m 24s)

95%. This is our customer satisfaction rate.

Scene 38 (10m 31s)

UPCOMING GOALS. GOAL 1. Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun.

Scene 39 (10m 46s)

INSURANCE CONSULTING Here is where your presentation begins.

Scene 40 (10m 59s)

Do you have any questions? [email protected] +91 620 421 838