Georgia COGIC remembers

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Scene 1 (0s)

A picture containing candle Description automatically generated.

Scene 2 (15s)

A lit candle in the dark Description automatically generated with medium confidence.

Scene 3 (23s)

A lit candle in the dark Description automatically generated with medium confidence.

Scene 4 (33s)


Scene 5 (46s)

0 00000000 JUSTO 000000000 1776 00 00 0. The Honorable Brian Kemp, Governor of the State of Georgia, has declared the GEORGIA COGIC IMPACT as a commendable unveiling of our Georgia COGIC leadership. It is a part of that captured history to be placed in the Georgia State Archive..

Scene 6 (59s)

Georgia Regional Bishop Norman Harper and the Georgia Coalition of Bishops along with Georgia Regional Supervisor Mary B. Tucker lead with accountability to God, fervent prayer, and compassion for Georgia COGIC and the communities they serve. Therefore, August 3, 2022, is declared GEORGIA COGIC IMPACT DAY where we honor the lives of those who are no longer with us and have received their reward. This flame burns in remembrance of them..

Scene 7 (1m 14s)

Side effects, Loss of jobs. Mental illnesses, Cancer, strokes, shut-downs, Vaccinations, testing, masks, Grief counsellors, Chaplains, Pastors, funerals, Prayer warriors, CDC guidelines, Isolation, virtual living . . . ZOOM, Facebook..

Scene 8 (1m 27s)

Cases Deaths. Georgia 2, 670,000 37,500.

Scene 9 (1m 41s)

Superintendent Noah Rosser Superintendent Woodrow Pinson Pastor Leroy Tyus Pastor Curtis Connally Pastor Charlie J. Barkley Pastor Johnny Terrell Superintendent Michael O. Robinson & District Missionary Angelita Robinson.

Scene 10 (2m 9s)

District Missionary Margie Norris Brianna Byrd Mother Ellarene Cooper District Missionary Leslie Jones Mother Zadie Bell Venessa Jones Mother Laverne Kaye Smith.

Scene 11 (2m 26s)

But God . . .. We praise God for life. And we will always remember . . . those who have received their reward. RIP.