[Audio] Good morning everyone. Today we will take a closer look at the continents, oceans, and hemispheres of the world. We will explore the seven continents, five oceans, the Northern and Southern Hemispheres, and their respective time zones. After this presentation, you should have a better understanding of the different geographical divisions of the world. Let's get started!.
[image] Eton College. FIVE OCEANS. [image] Map Description automatically generated.
[Audio] The Northern Hemisphere is comprised of seven continents, with the equator separating its northern and southern halves. North America, the northern part of South America, all of Europe, and the majority of Africa and Asia are located in this region. This accounts for approximately 90% of the global population and the vast majority of landmass. The Northern Hemisphere has a wide range of landforms, ranging from the icy tundra of the Arctic to the dense forests of the temperate region..
[Audio] The Eastern Hemisphere contains continents such as Asia, Australia, and Oceania, most of Europe, and most of Africa, as well as half of Antarctica..
[Audio] Found in the Southern Hemisphere are most of South America, a third of Africa, all of Australia, all of Antarctica, and a small part of Asia, as shown in the accompanying diagram..
[Audio] The Western Hemisphere consists of North and South America, including the Caribbean, Central America, and Greenland. Additionally, it encompasses half of Antarctica. For a visual, check out the diagram depicting the continents in the Western Hemisphere..
[Audio] Exploring further, let us take a look at the seven continents that make up our planet. Europe, Asia, Africa, North America, South America, Australia and Antarctica - each has its own unique features and landscapes. Along with the seven continents, the five oceans of the world - Pacific, Atlantic, Indian, Arctic and Southern Ocean - are also divided by the four hemispheres. The hemispheres decide the changing of seasons across the world, from winter to summer and everything in between..
[Audio] The Equator divides the Northern and Southern Hemispheres. Europe, Asia, North America and the Arctic Ocean constitute the Northern Hemisphere, while South America, Africa, Australia and the Antarctic Ocean make up the Southern Hemisphere. Usually, the Northern Hemisphere is warmer than the Southern Hemisphere during the summer and the opposite is true during the winter. Having a clear knowledge of these geographical details is essential to comprehending global weather patterns..
[Audio] The divisions of the world into different time zones are determined by the different continents and oceans covering the planet. There are four major hemispheres – North America, South America, Europe, and Asia – with seven continents situated among them. Knowing the locations, sizes, and forms of the continents is essential for better comprehension of the global environment..
[Audio] The earth is divided into two hemispheres - the Eastern Hemisphere and Western Hemisphere. The Prime Meridian, located in Greenwich, England, is the reference point for determining time. The Eastern Hemisphere includes Europe, Asia, and Africa, while the Western Hemisphere includes the Americas. The two hemispheres are divided into 24 time zones, with each time zone covering roughly 15 degrees of longitude. Knowing the continents and oceans of the world helps us to better understand how the planet is divided and how different cultures and countries are related..
[Audio] The world is divided geographically into seven continents: North America, South America, Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia, and Antarctica. They belong to either the Eastern or the Western Hemisphere. Time zones east of the Prime Meridian (Longitude 0) are ahead of Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) and in the Eastern Hemisphere, while time zones to the west of the Prime Meridian are behind GMT and part of the Western Hemisphere. This marks the end of this presentation..
[Audio] There are seven continents that make up the world; Africa, Antarctica, Asia, Europe, North America, South America and Australia. There are also four major oceans: the Atlantic, Pacific, Indian and Arctic. Each continent is located in one or more of the hemispheres – Northern, Southern, Eastern and Western. Now that we have identified the continents, oceans and hemispheres, we can move onto our next learning objective, which is summarizing the geography of Canada, its major airports and its culture. Canada is divided into 10 provinces and 3 territories. Its major airports are mainly located in the major cities such as Toronto, Vancouver, Montreal and Ottawa. Canada has a diverse culture with influences from First Nations, French, English, and more recently, immigration from all over the world. Thank you for your attention..