General DynamicsMission SystemCanada. LAV (Light armored vehicle).
General Dynamics. With a global reputation for competence in the manufacturing of technology-based, integrated solutions for land, aviation, maritime, and public safety applications, Canada is one of the top C4ISR and defense electronics firms in the world. (General Dynamics in Canada, 2023).
Light Armored Vehicle 6.0. A picture containing military vehicle, transport Description automatically generated.
Armed fighting vehicles, such as infantry fighting vehicles, battle tanks, armoured fighting vehicles, and others are produced by GDLS under the defence industry..
PESTEL ANALYSIS. How to Undertake a Pestle Analysis | Understand Your Industry!.
Political Analysis. Image result for political party canada and australia.
Economic Analysis. Australia is the 14th largest economy in the world.
Image result for Australia peace. Social Analysis.
Technological Analysis. Technological environment is another key element in this PESTEL analysis of Australia. The Australian defense force is investing billion of dollars in the field of technological equipment.
Environmental Analysis. Environmental factors in Australia may also play a role in the demand for LAVs. Weapons testing, production, transportation, and deployment.
Legal Analysis. Legal factors in Australia may affect the import of LAVs. Australia has strict regulations governing the import of weapons and defense equipment, including LAVs. Businesses exporting LAVs to Australia must comply with these regulations to ensure that their shipments are not seized or delayed at the border..
GDP (Gross Domestic Product). Australia is a highly developed country with a mixed market economy.
4. LAV’s benefits and potential drawbacks in applying affordable and clean energy to UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This comparison should always be from the trio viewpoint of the “Good, the Bad, and the UGLY”..
5. LAV’s benefits and potential drawbacks in applying affordable and clean energy to UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This comparison should always be from the trio viewpoint of the “ Good, the Bad, and the UGLY ”..
Ugly. Military operations can lead to violence. Image result for volition australia.
References. Australia investing billions to modernize its Army. National Defense Magazine. (n.d.). Retrieved February 25, 2023, from
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