GC IT Refresher Training 2024

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Scene 1 (0s)

[Virtual Presenter] Welcome to the G-C-B (I-T ) Refresher Training for 2024. Today’s session will cover important reminders on email archiving, scam email recognition, multi-factor authentication, and overall (I-T ) policy compliance. Our goal is to ensure smooth operations and reinforce security measures. Whether you’re a new employee or have been with the company for years, this refresher will help you stay aligned with GCB’s (I-T ) standards and requirements for 2024. If you have any issues, please contact: [email protected]..

Scene 2 (44s)

[Audio] (I-T ) Support.. 6 Reasons Why IT Support is Important for Your Business – OSS.

Scene 3 (52s)

[Audio] This is the (I-T ) department team, responsible for maintaining systems and assisting with any technical issues. (I-T ) support email is available for assistance: [email protected]..

Scene 4 (1m 23s)

[Audio] Email Archive.. Email Archive.

Scene 5 (1m 29s)

[Audio] Managing your email storage is crucial to avoid hitting your mailbox limit. Microsoft 365 Business Standard has a 50 gigabytes limit. Once you reach this, archiving your emails is the best way to free up space. You can manually transfer emails to the archive or set up automated archiving using Outlook's built-in tools. Instead of archiving, you can also free up space in the primary mailbox by deleting unnecessary emails and attachments..

Scene 6 (1m 59s)

[Audio] If you want to remove items from your mailbox but not delete it, use an archive file. Periodically moving items from your mailbox into an archive (.pst) file frees up space in your mailbox. Open Microsoft Outlook. Click on the File tab. Go to Account Settings > Account Settings. In the Data Files tab, locate your email account (usually in a *.ost file format). Select the account and click Open File Location. This will show you the size of your email data file. If it's close to or exceeds 50 gigabytes, archiving will help free up space..

Scene 7 (2m 39s)

[Audio] If you want to keep your emails but remove them from the primary mailbox, follow these steps: Click on File: Go to the File tab in Outlook. Click on Info: In the menu, select Tools > Clean up old items. Select the Archive Option: Choose the Archive this folder and all subfolders option. Select the folder(s) you want to archive (for example, your Inbox or any specific subfolder). Set a Date: Under Archive items older than, choose a date to archive emails before that date. Choose Archive File Location: Browse to the location where you want to save the archive file (the file will have a .pst extension). If you haven't created one yet, you can create a new .pst file by providing a name and location for it. Start Archiving: Click OK to start the archive process..

Scene 8 (3m 34s)

[Audio] How to Change the Name of the Archive Data File in Outlook In the left-hand pane (where your mail folders are displayed), scroll down to find the Archive folder. Right click the Archive folder in the left pane in Outlook. Select > Data File Properties… In the General tab, click on the Advanced button. You can change the Outlook Data File name..

Scene 9 (4m 2s)

[Audio] How to Manually Archive Emails by Dragging Them into the Archive Folder In the left pane, scroll to find the Archive folder. If you have already set up an archive file, it will appear here. Go to any folder, such as your Inbox, Sent Items, or other custom folders. Select the emails you want to archive. You can select multiple emails by holding down the Ctrl key and clicking on the emails individually or select a range of emails by holding down the Shift key. Click and hold your selected emails, then drag them to the Archive folder in the left pane.Release the mouse to drop the emails into the Archive folder..

Scene 10 (4m 41s)

[Audio] How to Compact an Outlook Data File Click on File: In the top-left corner, click the File tab. Go to Account Settings: In the left sidebar, click on Account Settings, then select Account Settings again from the dropdown. In the Account Settings window, go to the Email tab. Select your Microsoft Exchange account (the one marked as default), and click Change…. In the Change Account window, click on the More Settings… button in the bottom right. Click on File: In the top-left corner, click the File tab. Go to Account Settings: In the left sidebar, click on Account Settings, then select Account Settings again from the dropdown. In the Account Settings window, go to the Email tab. Select your Microsoft Exchange account (the one marked as default), and click Change…. In the Change Account window, click on the More Settings… button in the bottom right. In the Microsoft Exchange window, click on the Advanced tab. In the Advanced tab, click on Outlook Data File Settings…. In the Outlook Data File Settings window, click the Compact Now button. This will begin the process of compacting your Outlook Data File (.pst or .ost), reducing its size by removing any space left by deleted items..

Scene 11 (6m 4s)

[Audio] In the Microsoft Exchange window, click on the Advanced tab. In the Advanced tab, click on Outlook Data File Settings…. In the Outlook Data File Settings window, click the Compact Now button. This will begin the process of compacting your Outlook Data File (.pst or .ost), reducing its size by removing any space left by deleted items..

Scene 12 (6m 27s)

[Audio] Password Management. Password Management.

Scene 13 (6m 36s)

[Audio] Passwords expire every 90 days.. Password Management.

Scene 14 (7m 4s)

[Audio] When you're prompted with "The password of this user has expired" while trying to log in to a network drive, it indicates that your domain password has reached its expiration date. You will need to change the password to ensure access to network resources..

Scene 15 (7m 29s)

[Audio] How to maintain a strong password Don't contain the user's account name or parts of the user's full name that exceed two consecutive characters. Ensure your password Contains at least 8 characters. Includes a combination of uppercase, lowercase, numbers, and symbols..

Scene 16 (7m 53s)

[Audio] Here are best practices for managing passwords securely. Do not share your password with anyone for any reason. Do not write your password down or store it in an insecure manner. Avoid reusing a password. Avoid using the same password for multiple login accounts. Do not use automatic logon functionality..

Scene 17 (8m 14s)

[Audio] To protect the personal and business information stored on your computer and mobile devices, it is essential to lock your screen whenever you leave your device unattended..

Scene 18 (8m 31s)

[Audio] Recognizing Scam Emails. Current E-Mail Scams | Security Blog | Connected Platforms.

Scene 19 (8m 39s)

[Audio] Phishing emails always ask for financial or personal information. Legitimate emails never ask for personal information..

Scene 20 (9m 7s)

[Audio] Always remember never sharing passwords or confidential information via email..

Scene 21 (9m 36s)

[Audio] Here some example of scam emails.. [image] From: Authticator <[email protected]> Sent: Friday, August 23, 2024 1:41:13 AM To: Foong Hwuan SIEW <[email protected]> Subject: Logistic, Termination Process in 2 days Friday, August 23, 2024 This is an email from an external party. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know CAUTION: the content is safe. Auto-generated message by GCB Office-365 Hello [email protected], Your License for your account ([email protected]) has expired today Friday, August 23, 2024 You have been asked to re-confirm ownership of this account to prevent Suspended / Termination Process in 2 days Confirm Email Ownership Here Favorich Service.

Scene 22 (10m 10s)

Recognizing Scam Emails. Example 2 - Email Compromise.

Scene 23 (11m 16s)

Recognizing Scam Emails. [image] From: Brandon Tay Hoe Lian sent: Wednesday, March 23, 2022 3:27 PM TO: Sin Sing Wong Subject: Urgent request. CAUTION: This is an email from. an external party. Do not click links or open attachm.ents unless you recognize the sender and know the content is Auto-generated message by GCB Can i have a quick moment With you, kindly drop your WhatsApp number when you are available. Thanks. Best regards. Brandon Tay Hoe Lian. Chief Executive Officer..

Scene 24 (12m 5s)

[Audio] Don't trust an email just because it looks familiar. Always hover over links to check their real destination before clicking, and carefully inspect email addresses for subtle differences..

Scene 25 (12m 39s)

[Audio] Here are important tips for handling suspicious emails securely. 1. Be Cautious with Attachments or Links 2. Never Share Your Email Password 3. Avoid Downloading Files or Opening Attachments from Unknown Senders Report any suspicious activity or e-mail to [email protected]..

Scene 26 (13m 2s)

[Audio] (I-T ) HelpDesk ManageEngine ServiceDesk.

Scene 27 (13m 11s)

[Audio] Introduce the (I-T ) HelpDesk for reporting (I-T ) issues and submitting (I-T ) requests..

Scene 28 (13m 32s)

[Audio] Multi-Factor Authentication. Multi-Factor Authentication.

Scene 29 (13m 39s)

[Audio] Multi-Factor Authentication (M-F-A--) with Microsoft Office 365 provides extra layer of security to protect your accounts and data from unauthorized access..

Scene 30 (14m 2s)

[Audio] Open browser window and login www.office.com. (1) & (2) Sign in your Office 365 email account ID and passwords (3) Open the Microsoft Authenticator app you downloaded on your mobile and approve the request to sign in..

Scene 31 (14m 34s)

[Audio] (4) The Microsoft Authenticator app will prompt you to enter the number shown to sign in in browser windows and approve the connection. Click "Approve" in the app. (5) Then login to your Office 365 email successfully..

Scene 32 (15m 5s)

[Audio] Reminder No personal devices should be connected to the company network..

Scene 33 (15m 30s)

[Audio] Avoid visiting unsafe websites or downloading illegal content on the network..

Scene 34 (15m 51s)

[Audio] To mitigate security risks for employees when using (A-I ) systems. Employees must be cautious about the type of data they input into (A-I ) systems. Many (A-I ) systems rely on cloud-based infrastructure, which introduces additional security risks. Sensitive information, such as customer data or financial records should never be shared without proper authorization or encryption..

Scene 35 (16m 25s)

[Audio] Thank you.. A pink leaf with a white background Description automatically generated.