PptxGenJS Presentation

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Scene 1 (0s)

FWC Intern: Real-World Skills. Gain practical knowledge and skills that will help you thrive outside the classroom..

Scene 2 (7s)

s•unaoH ONU)dH00 bC)lrnunOO ounmov • • o • •0 0000 e.

Scene 3 (12s)

or tatt watentune tenS. -. Assembly and Embedded C.

Scene 4 (17s)

rE. The Vaman Board. The Vaman board features two components: ESP microcontrollers and an FPGA chip..

Scene 5 (23s)

'r. Coding for the FPGA. Coding for the FPGA is challenging, but definitely achievable..

Scene 6 (29s)

000000000000000000 ess322 9&oee ESS2 00000001 0000000 SPA signals SPI bus Contrval Control FPGA.

Scene 7 (35s)

Remote Control. The ESP32’s WiFi module was utilized to establish communication between the phone and the UGV (Unmanned Ground Vehicle) car, allowing remote control..

Scene 8 (41s)

Seven-Segment Display Control. We developed a system where commands from the phone are sent to the ESP32, which then communicates with the FPGA through SPI to control a seven-segment display..