FWC Intern: Real-World Skills. Gain practical knowledge and skills that will help you thrive outside the classroom..
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or tatt watentune tenS. -. Assembly and Embedded C.
rE. The Vaman Board. The Vaman board features two components: ESP microcontrollers and an FPGA chip..
'r. Coding for the FPGA. Coding for the FPGA is challenging, but definitely achievable..
000000000000000000 ess322 9&oee ESS2 00000001 0000000 SPA signals SPI bus Contrval Control FPGA.
Remote Control. The ESP32’s WiFi module was utilized to establish communication between the phone and the UGV (Unmanned Ground Vehicle) car, allowing remote control..
Seven-Segment Display Control. We developed a system where commands from the phone are sent to the ESP32, which then communicates with the FPGA through SPI to control a seven-segment display..