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Scene 1 (0s)

[Audio] FRESH JACK PRODUCTS. Flavours that melts in your mouth..

Scene 2 (8s)

[Audio] Jackfruit is the state fruit of Kerala. First, it's good for the planet. Since the jackfruit tree is naturally drought and pest-resistant, it requires no artificial irrigation, pesticides, or herbicides to thrive. Second, it's easy to grow, and the fruit itself is huge. This makes it naturally easy to grow and a great high-yield crop for farmers..

Scene 3 (37s)

[Audio] .And finally, it's good for us: versatile flavor, meaty texture, and full of sustaining fiber and important nutrients. That's why some people call jackfruit "the miracle food." It's also why we think you'll love every single one of our deliciously creative, supremely satisfying, 100% vegetarian dishes..

Scene 4 (1m 1s)

[Audio] Our mission is to transform healthy eating, farmers' livelihoods, and humanity's eco-footprint for the better. We work to bring you the highest quality jackfruit foods, sourced ethically and sustainably, and to be the global leader in jackfruit supply chains, direct from farms, growing our large community of farmers, partners, and loyal consumers every day..

Scene 5 (1m 27s)

[Audio] Here are the list of products that we provide to our happy customers. Jackfruit chips, Pulp, pappad, Ice cream.

Scene 6 (1m 43s)

[Audio] Jackfruit roasted nuts, pickle, cutlet, Candy, flour, wine , squash.

Scene 7 (1m 53s)

[Audio] For order please Contact us on Nine Five Two Six Seven Six Two One double six and visit our facebook , Instagram, linkdin Profile for more details. Link is provided in description box.