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Scene 1 (0s)

[Audio] Fare Quote Engine( FQE) is a system that provides pricing responses for customer requests and is an integral system of the dynamic revenue management. EK has been using Travelport as the fare quote engine for over 15 years and current commercial model is cost prohibitive to support the exponential growth in volumes in digital marketing & meta-search areas..

Scene 2 (39s)

Phase 2 - Fare Quote Engine (FQE). Phase 2 scope included the delivery of xx services namely Non-branded Shopping – description xxxx Branded Shopping – Calendar Shopping Itinerary Shopping ++ ++.

Scene 3 (50s)

Architecture. EOL Emirates Sync –Tech Partners FLX Orchestration Layer Emirates -B2B Booking Portal Emirates Gateway – Direct Current FQE New FQE – Pros FLX - Orchestration Rules MARS Reservation & Ticketing FLX – Ancillary Engine NDC API GDS NDC Metasearch/ Affiliates EK OCSL Res-Connect IBE Desk Top Mob.

Scene 4 (1m 5s)

Key Challenges. Implementing a new pricing engine itself is a very challenging task, but to implement it for one of the biggest airline in world and to match it another pricing engine was an herculean task The existing pricing engine was implemented over 15 years and there was no functional and technical documentation available to use as the base requirements for the new engine The new PROS FQE engine service formats were expected to be available in existing EK formats designed for the current engine to enable faster channel adoption PROS and Travelport pricing engines had different technology stack and design and the expectation was to ensure both engine outputs matched The new PROS engine adoption scope was extended to ResConnect, MARS and Groups very late in the overall timeline. Different channels had different request/response formats and it was a big challenge to service all channel formats with single version of FQE services Considering the amount of customization that was done in Travelport over the years and lack of documentation, channel adoption was always considered to be a significant effort. With the announcement of PY and the aggressive PY timelines, FQE was identified as the enabler and this meant an aggressive timeline for channel adoption The implementation spanned across multiple vendor teams in multiple countries/time zones and work weeks.

Scene 5 (1m 56s)

Mitigation - Key Challenges. Significant time invested in research and analysis to define the business needs. Reverse engineered the functionality of each business functions and combined it with the domain expertise of the team to create business requirements for the vendors. Transformation of the new PROS service formats to existing EK formats designed for the current engine via FLX orchestration layer A comprehensive test automation suite was developed to compare the output of both engines to identify the variances and get the issues resolved by both engines Re-engineered the service requests/responses to support multiple channels and additional changes were done at vendors systems. FQE team identified individual owners to support each channel teams across AATs and resolved all go live critical issues working in fast collaboration with vendors. The team worked extended hours to adjust with the vendor time zones and work weeks.

Scene 6 (2m 31s)

What does it take to make a pricing offer ?. Schedule Availability Fares & rule conditions Taxes Rate of exchange Flight Rules.

Scene 7 (2m 40s)

What involves to validate the price offer?. Base Fare/Taxes/Surcharge/Fare Basis/RBD/Route/Connections Passenger Types ADT/CNN/ATPCO supported Cabin Compartments Price Instruments Cash Miles Market Online ODs Offline ODs Participating Prime/Codeshare/Reward Partners/OALs Product Types Branded Calendar Non-Branded Itinerary Pricing Fare Rules Number of Price offer.

Scene 8 (3m 2s)

Test Strategy. A comprehensive test automation suite was developed to automate the testing The test dataset was huge which made it a time consuming endeavour Non-Branded shopping – 18,000 ODs Branded Shopping – 30,000 ODs Calendar Shopping – 18,000 ODs Manual Analysis on variance cases was done comparing data from Fare filing, RTDP, Schedules, Tax database. Issues identified was taken up with vendors for fixes and the automation cycle continued.

Scene 9 (3m 23s)

Test Outcomes. The.

Scene 10 (3m 29s)

Test Outcomes. Branded Shopping - Total ODs Compared : 13,000.

Scene 11 (3m 46s)

Channel Adoption. IBE Desktop IBE Mobiles - Mobile Web/IOS/Android ResConnect MARS more to follow Key Challenges Single FQE teams to support multiple channel's multiple teams for multple features One person supporting multiple teams.

Scene 12 (3m 59s)

Go Live. The Go Live was planned.

Scene 13 (4m 6s)

Thanks. Satekholders Subash – dfgdfgdfgdf Pankaj - dfdsfs Adnan– sdfsdfsdf AAT Drivers FQT , Wasalo , others Channels.