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Scene 2 (8s)

Kagawaran ng Wika at Panitikang Filipino Paaralang Gradwado Pamantasan ng Katimugang Mindanao Kabacan , Cotabato (LANGUANGE TESTING and DEVELOPMENT).

Scene 3 (26s)

. Adopting, Adapting and Developing Language Tests.

Scene 4 (38s)

LAYUNIN:. 1. Nailalahad ang kahalagahan ng paksang Adopting , Adapting and Developing Language Tests ..

Scene 5 (1m 6s)

Adopting, Adapting and Developing Language Tests.

Scene 6 (1m 35s)

Adopting, Adapting and Developing Language Tests.

Scene 7 (2m 6s)

Adopting, Adapting and Developing Language Tests.

Scene 8 (2m 44s)

Adopting, Adapting and Developing Language Tests.

Scene 9 (3m 17s)

Adopting, Adapting and Developing Language Tests.

Scene 10 (4m 2s)

Adopting, Adapting and Developing Language Tests.

Scene 11 (4m 40s)

Adopting, Adapting and Developing Language Tests.

Scene 12 (5m 37s)

Adopting Language Tests. Test are bought from commercial publishing houses, adopted from other language programs or pulled straight from the current text book..

Scene 13 (6m 7s)

Adopting Language Tests. Test are bought from commercial publishing houses, adopted from other language programs or pulled straight from the current text book..

Scene 14 (6m 52s)

Adopting Language Tests. Test are bought from commercial publishing houses, adopted from other language programs or pulled straight from the current text book..

Scene 15 (7m 38s)

Selecting good tests to match the purposes of a particular language program is very important..

Scene 16 (8m 13s)

There are many factors that must be considered even in adopting an already published test for a particular program..

Scene 17 (8m 59s)

There are many factors that must be considered even in adopting an already published test for a particular program..

Scene 18 (9m 29s)

Approach in selecting test (Adopt). Reading test reviews.

Scene 19 (10m 0s)

Approach in selecting test (Adopt). Reading test reviews.

Scene 20 (10m 12s)

Approach in selecting test (Adopt). Reading up on testing.

Scene 21 (10m 20s)

Approach in selecting test (Adopt). Reading up on testing.

Scene 22 (10m 37s)

Approach in selecting test (Adopt). Reading up on testing.

Scene 23 (10m 47s)

Approach in selecting test (Adopt). Test evaluation checklist A. General background information Title Author Publisher and date of Publication Publisher reviews available.

Scene 24 (11m 54s)

Approach in selecting test (Adopt). Test evaluation checklist B. Theoretical Orientation Test family (norms-referenced or criterion referenced) Purpose of decision ( proficiency, placement, achievement or diagnosis) Language methodology orientation approach and syllabuses.

Scene 25 (13m 9s)

Approach in selecting test (Adopt). Test evaluation checklist C. P ractical O rientation Target population ( age, level, nationality, dialect, educational background ) Skills test (for instance reading , writing, listening, speaking, structure, vocabulary and pronunciation) Number of subtests and separate scores. Type of item reflect appropriate techniques and exercises.

Scene 26 (13m 49s)

Approach in selecting test (Adopt). Test evaluation checklist C. P ractical O rientation Target population ( age, level, nationality, dialect, educational background ) Skills test (for instance reading , writing, listening, speaking, structure, vocabulary and pronunciation) Number of subtests and separate scores. Type of item reflect appropriate techniques and exercises.

Scene 27 (14m 29s)

Approach in selecting test (Adopt). Test evaluation checklist D. Test Characteristics Norms Standardization sample type of standardized scores Descriptive statistics (central tendency, dispersion, item, characteristics) Reliability Validity Practicality.

Scene 28 (15m 31s)

Advantages of Adopting Language Tests. 1. It's reliable and valid considering the fact that it comes from various language programs . 2. Reduces faculty time demands in instrument development and grading. 3.Simple and requires little effort . 4. Easy to check 5. Provide for external validity 6. Provide reference group measure 7. Easy to utilize.

Scene 29 (16m 39s)

Disadvantages of Adopting Language Tests. 1 . May result to mismatch information 2. It may not measure what it intends to measure 3. It's not one size fits all considering the differences in nationalities and offered language programs. 4. U nlikely to match the specific goals and objectives of a program or institution..

Scene 30 (17m 45s)

. Recommendations. Must be selected carefully based on faculty review and determination of match between test content and curriculum content. Information on reliability and validity from publisher. Check with other users..

Scene 31 (18m 27s)

https:// pdfcoffee.com/material-selection-amp-adaptation-pdf-free.html https:// www.scribd.com/document/512259024/adopting-adapting-and-developing-language-tests https:// www.slideshare.net/AimzCrisostomo/chapter-4-testing-aima https:// www.scribd.com/oauth/authorize.