Food and Health

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Scene 1 (0s)

[image] Basket filled with apples. [image] Closeup of cinnamon sticks and apples beside stack of plates and forks on table.

Scene 3 (18s)

Food Nutrient Calories Diet Balance diet.

Scene 4 (25s)

Food. Food is an any substance consisting of nourishing and nutritive components, which (when ingested and assimilated through digestion) sustains life, generates energy, and provides growth, maintenance, and health..

Scene 5 (39s)

© Food - a fact of life 2012. Fruit and Vegetables.

Scene 6 (1m 5s)

© Food - a fact of life 2012. Cereals And Pulses.

Scene 7 (1m 8s)

© Food - a fact of life 2012. Milk and dairy foods.

Scene 8 (1m 13s)

© Food - a fact of life 2012. Meat, fish, eggs, beans.

Scene 9 (1m 15s)

© Food - a fact of life 2012. Name 4 examples. We only need to eat small amounts from this group..

Scene 10 (1m 17s)

OILSEED AND PULSES. Name 5 examples. We need to eat foods from this group to stay healthy. We should try to eat 3 to 4 pulses a day..

Scene 11 (1m 22s)

What Is Nutrition?. The study of how your body uses the food that you eat..

Scene 12 (1m 31s)

Nutrients. What are nutrients? A nutrient is a chemical substance in food that helps maintain the body..

Scene 13 (1m 45s)

Structure and function: Carbohydrates are sugars and starches that the body uses for ENERGY! PLANTS are the major source of carbohydrates in the food we eat..

Scene 14 (1m 53s)

Simple Carbohydrates. Sugars that are quickly digested and provide a BOOST of energy for the body Foods with LOTS of sugar: oranges, milk, cookies, candy.

Scene 15 (2m 8s)

Starches that are composed of many sugars linked together They provide the body with long-term energy since they are digested more slowly than sugars..

Scene 16 (2m 10s)

[image] Starch foods. 16. Sources of Carbohydrates.

Scene 17 (2m 35s)

Protein. Structure: Proteins are made from many amino acids connected together in different arrangements. Function: Provide the building materials your body needs to grow and repair itself.

Scene 18 (2m 41s)

Essential Amino Acids. 9 of the 20 amino acids are called essential amino acids because you must obtain them from the foods you eat since your body cannot make them..

Scene 19 (2m 47s)

Complete proteins: Foods containing all the essential amino acids Examples: fish, meat, eggs, milk, cheese Incomplete proteins: Foods that are missing some essential amino acids Examples: Legumes, nuts, whole grains.

Scene 20 (2m 56s)

Functions: ENERGY source for the body (more than carbs and proteins) Help protect and cushion vital organs as well as joints Insulate the body.

Scene 21 (3m 5s)

Fat. Structure: Fats belong to a group of organic compounds called lipids which are substances that do not dissolve in water. Fatty acids are the building blocks of fats..

Scene 22 (3m 14s)

Unsaturated fats: Contain fatty acids that are missing hydrogen atoms At room temperature, they are typically in liquid form..

Scene 23 (3m 19s)

Saturated fats: Contain fatty acids with the MAXIMUM amount of hydrogen atoms At room temperature, they are typically in solid form..

Scene 24 (3m 28s)

Diets with TOO MUCH saturated fat have been known to cause heart disease. Foods with a lot of saturated fat: beef fat, egg yolks, dairy products.

Scene 25 (3m 43s)

Fiber Non-digestible carbohydrates (chains of monosaccharides) Refining removes fiber from whole grains and other foods. Benefits Helps lower risk of Bowel irregularity Obesity Heart disease Cancer Diabetes mellitus.

Scene 26 (3m 55s)

Calories. What is a calorie? The energy obtained from carbohydrates, proteins, and fats is measured in units called calories..

Scene 27 (4m 5s)

Calorie Calculations. Carbohydrates 1g = 4 calories Protein 1g = 4 calories Fat 1g = 9 calories.

Scene 28 (4m 12s)

Sample Calculation. A slice of bread has 9g of carbohydrates, 2g of protein, and 1g of fat. Get out a piece of paper and see if you can do the calculations…...

Scene 29 (4m 29s)

9 grams carbohydrates x 4 calories/gram = 36 calories + 2 grams protein x 4 calories/gram = 8 calories + 1 gram fat x 9 calories/gram = 9 calories _________________________ Total calories = 53.

Scene 30 (4m 32s)

Calaroies Count. Normal Calorie require is 2000 kcal for men. Normal Calorie require is 1800 kcal for women. Depending upon the work calorie changes For less work 1800 kcal For medium work 2500 kcal For heavy work 3000 kcal..

Scene 31 (4m 42s)

Do you know the MOST IMPORTANT nutrient? It’s Water! 60%-80% of the human body is WATER!.

Scene 32 (4m 44s)

Function: Assists with the transport of materials in the body by making up most of the liquid part of blood (plasma), helps regulate body temperature, and helps break down food in the digestive system Food sources: vegetables, fruit, milk.

Scene 33 (4m 52s)

Micronutrients. Minerals and vitamins are called micronutrients since they are needed by your body in SMALL amounts. The minerals and most of the vitamins your body needs must be obtained from the FOODS you eat since your body cannot make them..

Scene 34 (5m 2s)

Micronutrients: Minerals. Minerals are INORGANIC substances that are required by your body in order to develop and grow properly. Some Important Minerals: Calcium Iron Potassium Magnesium.

Scene 35 (5m 5s)

Micronutrients: Minerals. Calcium Function: Helps build strong bones and teeth, regulates blood clotting Food sources: dairy products, leafy and green vegetables.

Scene 36 (5m 7s)

Micronutrients: Minerals. Iron Good sources: meat (especially lean red meat), liver and offal, green leafy vegetables, pulses (beans, lentils), dried fruit, nuts and seeds, bread and fortified breakfast cereals. Iron from meat sources (haem iron) is readily absorbed by the body. Vitamin C helps the body to absorb iron from other sources (non-haem iron)..

Scene 37 (5m 9s)

Micronutrients: Minerals. Potassium Function: Helps regulate fluid balance in the body, assists with the normal functioning of muscles and nerves Food sources: bananas, carrots, milk.

Scene 38 (5m 12s)

Micronutrients: Minerals. Magnesium Function: Involved in the metabolism of proteins and carbohydrates, assists with bone growth and proper muscle functioning Food sources: milk, meat, nuts.

Scene 39 (5m 13s)

Micronutrients: Vitamins. Vitamins: Group of complex compounds that help your body maintain normal metabolism, growth, and development Two Groups of Vitamins: Water-Soluble Fat-Soluble.

Scene 40 (5m 14s)

Water-Soluble Vitamins: Vitamins that dissolve in water and are NOT stored in your body for future use Vitamin B and Vitamin C.

Scene 41 (5m 23s)

Examples of Water-Soluble Vitamins: Vitamin C: Fights against infection, maintains healthy gums, strengthens and maintains blood vessel structure Food sources: citrus fruits, tomatoes, leafy vegetables.

Scene 42 (5m 25s)

Micronutrients: Vitamins. Vitamin B Complex/Folic acid: Helps prevent birth defects, and is needed in the formation of red blood cells and nucleic acids Food sources: beets, broccoli, avocado, turkey, bok choy, and lentils..

Scene 43 (5m 26s)

Fat-Soluble Vitamins: Vitamins that dissolve into and are transported by fat They can be stored in fat tissue, the liver, and the kidneys. Vitamins A, D, E, and K.

Scene 44 (5m 28s)

Examples of Fat-Soluble Vitamins: Vitamin A: Maintains good vision, promotes body cell growth, helps protect teeth Food sources: green vegetables, dairy products.

Scene 45 (5m 29s)

Vitamin D: Promotes the development of healthy bones and teeth Food sources: eggs, salmon, fortified breakfast cereal. Other sources include sunlight.

Scene 46 (5m 33s)

Functions of food. Carbohydrate = Energy giving foods: -cereals, sugars, fats, oils etc. Protein = Body building foods: -meat, milk, poultry, fish, eggs, pulses etc. Vitamins and minerals = Protective foods: -vegetables, fruits, milk, etc..

Scene 47 (5m 34s)


Scene 48 (5m 40s)

Diet. Diet is the sum of food consumed by a person or other organism. Dietary habits are the habitual decisions an individual or culture makes when choosing what foods to eat..

Scene 49 (5m 48s)

Balance Diet. Diet is the sum of food consumed by a person or other organism. Dietary habits are the habitual decisions an individual or culture makes when choosing what foods to eat..

Scene 50 (5m 58s)