Final Group Presentation Group 1 (A1)

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Scene 1 (0s)

DISASTER RISK REDUCTION PLAN “FLOODING”. GROUP 1 (A1) Fanoluaitaimasa Kenrick (SBH) Bellarose Deidra Fetuao Tumutalie (SBH) Christabelle Schuster(SBH) Esther Collins (SBH) Lisi Seumanutafa Uini (DMO).

Scene 2 (39s)

Increase self-awareness by attending training programs and educational workshops provided by DMO Samoa (CDCRM program) Invest in in-depth knowledge on hazard assessment particularly flooding. Make certain that Emergency kit and Go-bag is packed with essential items and it is important to review it regularly and ensure to include gender specific needs. Understand safety measure and evacuation plan Stay informed with flooded areas to avoid when going out . Remain calm ,patient and proceed with caution.

Scene 3 (3m 18s)

Lead the family discussion on DRR plan, making sure all member understand all tasks once its designated to them Discuss evacuation plan and disseminate information on evacuation centres Secure assets to higher place , family members to be aware of the emergency contacts Look out for each other, making sure everyone is in –house when there’s a flooding ,extra care on pregnant woman, elders , children and disability family Consider safety measures in the aftermath.

Scene 4 (7m 8s)

Community. Ensure the inclusion of everyone in the community when there’s discussion of the DRR plan i.e. Community Disaster & Climate Risks Management Program (CDCRM) Identify vulnerable areas and feast for doable ways to minimise risk . Be certain that everyone participate and are on the same page when executing a DRR plan Make sure everyone have done their own preparation-emergency kits ready Increase number of participants in stimulation of national drills etc Set up a full-equipped and readily evacuation centres suitable and appropriate for every people ,regardless of status gender and social status, Review plan if it was feasible ,address the gaps and improve especially evacuation centre.

Scene 5 (9m 2s)

Ensure that the workplace is aware of the National Disaster Risk Reduction Plan and formulate an evacuation plan and encourage equality in ideas from both men and women in order to identify the differences in vulnerabilities of each gender Facilitate the establishment of an 'emergency response' team within the workplace that is equally inclusive of both men and women Conduct stimulation at the workplace every 3 months ,with the availability of evacuation centres Task allocation should be inclusive of all genders who are first responders Recognize and register each men and women's experience of the flooding disaster and pinpoint where there is a difference between the vulnerabilities, wants and needs of both genders Carry out more disaster management awareness trainings if applicable Conduct capacity building workshops for women and girls with reference to coping strategies during disasters Re-evaluate the evacuation plan if it requires changes.

Scene 6 (11m 12s)

Ensure the inclusion of every governmental sectors in the coordination and implementation of emergency response plans National stimulation of the plan NEOC to be fully equipped with relief supplies , in tropical cyclone season Make sure there’s sufficient emergency fund once flooding strikes Communication and activation of DRR plans within all the country at all levels – with the assurance each people know what to do Evacuation centres to be activated Monitoring and evaluation of affected area ,whether it was included in original plan Review the plan to address new issues , and whether the initial plan worked National resilience building for the aftermath of flooding.

Scene 7 (16m 12s)