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‘’Digital Transformation Strategy For Tata Steel’’.
Contents 1- Introduction 2- Current Challenges 3- Vision And Goals 4- IT Assessment 5- Market Analysis 6- Strategic ,operative, operational planning 8- Data Management and improving current operative efficiency 9- Budget and Resource allocation 10- Change Management 11- Initiatives For Efficiency and competitive advantage 12- Case studies 13- Conclusion 14- Thank you.
Introduction. Brief Overview Of Tata Steel. Need for Tata Steel In Market /Its Importance.
Brief Overview Of Tata Steel/Tata Steel need in Market.
Current Challenges Faced by Tata Steel. Market Volatility: Tata Steel faces challenges due to fluctuations in global steel prices, impacting revenue and profitability..
Vision And Goals. Vision for Sustainability: Tata Steel aims to be a global leader in sustainable steel production, prioritizing environmentally responsible practices..
IT assessment. Area Requiring Improvement In IT in Which Tata Steel has also contributed to adapt and improve :.