A blue sky with some clouds Description automatically generated with low confidence.
The Dream!. Is our dream really coming to ‘Reality’?.
Who are we; where we stand?. Middle Class (mostly). Hard-earned money used to fulfill our dream of a ‘Home’. What’s the value of our ‘Dream Home’?.
Costing of our Flat (Approx.). Principal Value Rs. 30 Lakhs Cost of Registry Rs. 2.5 Lakhs Interior Work Rs. 7.5 Lakhs Interest to Bank on Home Loan Rs. 20 Lakhs + Total Value of Flat at Present 60 Lakhs + (Approx.) Current Market Value 30-32 Lakhs Notional Loss 30 Lakhs / 50% of Cost.
Ailment. Apathy of the Builder! Indifference of our so-called AOA. Those residents cum wannabe politicians who work more as an ‘Event Management Company’, rather than work towards the upliftment and betterment of the society..
Remedy. Security of the Residents. Cleanliness around us! Beautification of Common Areas. Ease of Living! Efficient ‘Maintenance Department’..
Security. Security agency of repute; Appointment after transparent ‘Tender Process’. Activate & Streamline of Intercom System – Gate & Tower. RFID Tags for Resident Vehicles; Visitor Vehicles: Gate Pass. Improvement of the Quality & Quantity of Security Cameras. Strict implementation of – ‘Police Verification of Tenants’. Coordinating with Local Police for ‘Regular Beat Patrol’. Performance evaluation of ‘Security Agency’ – Quarterly..
Hygiene & Cleanliness. Proper operation & maintenance of STP Plant. Daily cleaning of common floor areas. Regular cleaning of Basement & Parking Areas. Weekly cleaning of Terrace & Monthly cleaning of Water Tanks. Quarterly water testing from Sri Ram Institute/ NPL Delhi. Fogging & Fumigation of common areas. Quarterly Performance Evaluation of Housekeeping/ Cleaning Staff..
Beautification of Common Areas. Seepage prevention & External Painting of Towers. Proper Signages for Directions. Maintenance of Children Parks & Improving Green Areas. In-house nursery (Horticulture) on no-profit basis for residents. LED Lights in common areas – operational & additions..
Ease of Living. For Children: Internal Road to Bal Bharti – Monitored through Security Cameras & Security Guards. For Senior Citizens: Implementation of ‘Savera’ an initiative of U.P. Police; Same policy implementation through ‘Internal Security Agency’. For Women: Regular Police Patrolling, especially during Evenings. Completion & Handover of Pending Facilities – Club, Swimming Pool, etc. External Development – Co-ordination with Civic Agencies & Local Politicians..
Efficient ‘Maintenance Department’. Complaint Redressal System: Online status check & Pre-defined TAT(Turn-Around-Time). Feedback mechanism : Online/ Offline. Recruitment Policy for staff. Regular training for technical staff. Stopping wastage of material..
Financials. Handover from Builders: Facilities & IFMS Fund. Audit of Maintenance Accounts from inception. Transparent Purchase & Procurement of materials Policy. Additional Revenues: Roof-Top Solar Panels - Approx. Annual Electricity Generation of more than 50 Lakhs (Source: https://solarrooftop.gov.in/rooftop_calculator).