ETP ARP Orientation 1st Sem 2022

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Scene 1 (0s)

[Audio] General Policy on Retention Section 2.1 Arp Orientation A grade requirement of 75% or 3.0 in all subjects every semester is needed to be retained in the program. However there are selected major subjects that need a grade requirement of 80% or 2.5 for CE and 78% or 2.7 for IE. An Engineering Student who is able to comply with the following retention requirements of the program shall be retained in the course Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering and Bachelor of Science in Industrial Engineering Section 2.2 For the 3 bridging subjects passing with at least a grade of 3.0 to each bridging subject is required to be retained in the program. Section 2.1 1.1. If the student on a regular status failed one or more major subjects from the previous semester the student will be admitted on a probationary status. 1.2. If the student on a probationary status failed one or more major subjects from the previous semester the student is advised to shift to another course..

Scene 2 (19s)

[Audio] Section 2.3 When a student attains a grade of 5.0 in any subject he or she is only allowed to retake the said subject O-N-C-E. Section 2.4 If a student fails three (3) major subjects in a semester then the student will be advised to shift to other courses. Section 2.3 In the event that after the retake of the subject he or she still fails then the student is advised to shift to other courses..

Scene 3 (39s)

[Audio] Section 2.5 A student who gets a grade of 5.0 in one subject in a semester is advised to see the guidance counsellor for academic counselling before he/she can enroll in the next semester. Section 2.6 The student is only allowed to drop major subjects O-N-C-E and minor subjects T-W-I-C-E in the duration of his/her stay in the program. Section 2.5 A referral report from the Guidance Office is needed as proof of compliance. Section 2.6 In the event that the student will still drop the second retake for the major subject or the third retake of the minor subject the student will be advised to take another course..

Scene 4 (59s)

[Audio] General Policy on Retention Section 2.7 A student must pass the pre-requisite subjects before he/she can take the succeeding major subjects. An Engineering Student who is able to comply with the following retention requirements of the program shall be retained in the course Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering and Bachelor of Science in Industrial Engineering Section 2.8 A student should maintain a good moral standing. Section 2.7 For example you cannot take Integral Calculus if you haven't passed Differential Calculus Section 2.8 A student that is proven not in good moral standing based upon the records from the Office of Alumni and Student Affairs will be excluded from the program..

Scene 5 (1m 19s)

[Audio] Description of Status Arp Orientation Regular Status This section will serve as a guide on the status of students with regards to his/her inclusion in the program. A student is considered regular if he/she was able to meet the grade requirements for all the major and minor subjects in a semester Pitch Deck V 1.0 Regular Status: One of the status that we used in our program is regular STATUS.

Scene 6 (1m 39s)

[Audio] Probationary Status 1.The applicant for engineering student has the following scores of the required tests: a Grades for all the S-T-E-M core subjects or equivalent subjects in any other senior high school strands within the range of 80% to 84%; b FSUU RTCU average and mathematics stanine score of 3; c O-L-S-A-T results within the range of 75%-87% Probationary Status: The other type of status that we have is PROBATIONARY STATUS. A student is considered on PROBATION if he/she qualifies for the following:.

Scene 7 (1m 59s)

[Audio] Probationary Status 2. The student failed to meet the grade requirement of 2.5 for CE and 2.7 for IE for any of the major subjects in a semester. Probationary Status: The student has the chance to regain his/her regular status when he/she passed all the major subjects in the semester of his/her probation. However there will be limitations to the number of times the student can regain his/her regular status which will be discussed on the next slides * If the student fails to regain his/her regular status when he/she failed the grade requirements to even one major subject in the semester of his/her probation then the student is advised to shift to another course..

Scene 8 (2m 19s)

[Audio] Failure of Subjects Section 4.1 Arp Orientation The student is only allowed to four (4) failed major subjects and four (4) failed minor subjects in the whole duration of the course. This article reflects the policy on the number of allowed failed subjects (grades of 5.0) Section 4.2 The provisions in the retention policy supersede any disagreement in the interpretation or implementation of this provision. Section 4.1 This means that a student is advised to take other courses outside the program in the event that either of the two cases happens or if he or she accumulates those failures; If a student is in his/her regular status and incurred either of the cases stated above then he/ she will be advised to shift to another course..

Scene 9 (2m 39s)

[Audio] Residency and/or Duration of Stay Arp Orientation Conditions: The case of prescriptive period of four (4) years may be waived up to a maximum residency of six (6) years subject to the following conditions or factors such as: It is a mandatory requirement that a bonafide student must pass all required courses/subjects within a timeframe of four (4) years in order to graduate with the Bachelor’s Degree in Civil Engineering and Industrial Engineering a Financial Incapacity Pitch Deck V 1.0 b Health Related Issues c Other relevant issue as per recommended by the Program’s Guidance counsellor. * Conditions: 1. Financial incapacity-Student had to temporarily stop schooling due to loss of source of financing for his/her education; 2. Health related issues-Medical recommendations which compel the student not to take full load due to doctor’s advice; *A student may no longer be admitted to the program if he/she had exceeded the maximum number of residency as described in this article and has not qualified for any of the aforementioned conditions or factors for such extension..