AT Career Development & Training Ltd (AT) provides caregiving knowledge & skills training to middle-aged women in the rural areas of China who wish to explore their career opportunities in adult daycare centers, nursing homes, or clients' residencies

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Scene 1 (0s)

AT Career Development & Training Ltd (AT) provides caregiving knowledge & skills training to middle-aged women in the rural areas of China who wish to explore thei r career opportunities in adult daycare centers, nursing homes, or clients’ residencies either in urban China or overseas..

Scene 2 (38s)

COMMUNITY. 1650870475 1. e0f2757da45b2f4ce6d7ee9ae34b8d8.

Scene 3 (58s)

Care-giving jobs. physically demanding, long hours, dirty.

Scene 4 (1m 17s)

OUR ORGANIZATIONAL CULTURE. Confucianism, Buddhism, and Taoism have shaped the cultural norms and influenced most aspects of East Asian societies for thousands of years..

Scene 5 (1m 47s)

1. 2. 4. Organizational culture - Confucianism. The golden rule of Confucianism is “ Do not do unto others what you would not want others to do unto you.”.

Scene 6 (2m 4s)

2. 4. Organizational culture - Buddhism. “ Doing good will lead to good outcomes, and doing evil will lead to bad. Good intentions will always lead to wellness and happiness.“.

Scene 7 (2m 26s)

1. 2. 4. Organizational culture - Taosim. “People should follow the principles of nature and strive to conduct themselves in such ways that their behaviors are in complete harmony.”.

Scene 8 (2m 51s)

A code of ethics is a set of guidelines that identifies the basic standards of behavior. There are two types of codes: personal & professional..

Scene 9 (3m 43s)

- undue influence occurs when a person can persuade another person’s decisions due to the relationship between the two parties (Hayes, A., 2022)..

Scene 10 (4m 5s)

PROFFESIONAL ETHICS from => Our center’s written policy.

Scene 11 (4m 24s)

Defining a guideline for home-aides to avoid ethical difficulties on their job.

Scene 12 (4m 52s)

Autonomy Every client has the right to decide matters that affect them personally and financially.

Scene 13 (5m 27s)

Justice All clients deserve fair & equal treatment regardless of race, religion, culture, sexual orientation, disability, or ability to continue paying for the services..

Scene 14 (5m 51s)

Beneficence & Nonmaleficence Good home aides have the desire to good and promote good health to clients and avoid harming those in care..

Scene 15 (6m 40s)

Home aides are obligated to act truthful and trustworthy and provide care to clients assigned to them..

Scene 16 (7m 17s)

Home-aides : More money to bring home Clients : Good quality care-giving services Our training center : Good reputation in the industry.

Scene 17 (8m 11s)

A er can, Red Cros (20 8) Nurse Assistan Trainin (4th ed'.), The,American Natio Re Cross. eat h. 0.1007/s 09 3-022-01506-8 Age, ,.