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Introduction. This portfolio is to give a brief explanation on the topic I choose from term 3 in English Literature. In the previous terms I did Shakespeare, Conflict and many other topics . For this term I choose Poetry , I would be explaining what I liked in the topic, different aspects in the topic, types of poems and why I choose this topic over another topic..
What is poetry?. The form of writing that allows writers to express their emotions on topics in very creative and simple ways. It includes rhythm and rhyme and sometimes follows a specific form. There are "elements" of poetry that we can focus on to enrich our understanding of a particular poem or group of poems. These elements may include , voice, diction, imagery, figures of speech, symbolism and allegory, syntax, sound, rhythm and meter, and structure..
Opinion: Which topic in Literature did I enjoy the most and why ?.
Which topic in Literature did I least enjoy and why ?.
Poetic devices' Definitions and Examples. 1. Hyperbole This devices makes use of a gross exaggeration E.g. I am so hungry I can eat a horse. 2. Alliteration This is the repetition of the beginning consonant sound in 2 or more words in close relation. E.g. Peter pounced on Patrick in the Park 3. Assonance This is very similar to Alliteration, the only difference is that it is the vowel sound that is being repeated. E.g. It was eight when the bait was on the gate. 4. Sibilance This also deals with sound. A sibilance is a soft consonant sound that is repeated. Most times it is the letter‘s’ E.g. S ing the Song of S ilence 5. Simile This is when compare 2 things using like /as E.g The lake was a clear as crystals.
Two Types of Poems. Haiku a Japanese poem of seventeen syllables, in three lines of five, seven, and five, traditionally evoking images of the natural world. Diamante A diamante poem, or diamond poem, is a style of poetry that is made up of seven lines. The text forms the shape of a diamond..