Employee Wellness for the New Year. We have all had days where we are just dragging. Our energy level is down and we just don’t feel like doing anything. The cause of that decrease in energy could be a result of how we treat our bodies..
Proper Nutrition. Taking care of yourself is important! Unhealthy diet contributes to 678,000 deaths each year in the U.S. Some of the issues include: Heart Disease Cancer Type 2 Diabetes And other obesity-related diseases Limit the use of alcohol and tobacco.
Get some Exercise!. Engaging in just 30 minutes of aerobic exercise a day can make a difference Take the stairs instead of the elevator Do not smoke Regular exercise can improve your brain health. It can reduce your risk of anxiety, depression, and help you sleep better.
Business Notes/Comments. We will be re-committing ourselves to our safety program as the new year starts!.