Elm Elementary School

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Scene 1 (0s)

Elm Elementary School. Open House. September 8, 20xx.

Scene 2 (12s)

Welcome Parents!. Welcome parents to your classroom. List the goals for the open house: To help parents understand the work their child will be doing throughout the school year. To explain your expectations of their child. To share information about how parents can support their child’s learning..

Scene 3 (30s)

Curriculum Goals. Illustration of a purple book character.

Scene 4 (49s)

In-class Activity. Invite parents to take part in an activity, and then discuss it. Some ideas include: Solving a math problem, such as estimating the number of beans in a jar. Writing an encouraging letter to their child. Going on a classroom scavenger hunt for their child's work, the books their child likes best, and messages from their child..

Scene 5 (1m 8s)

Class Information. Explain how students will be evaluated and graded. Tell parents when report cards and progress reports will be sent home. Describe the amount of homework students can expect. Provide a calendar of upcoming events, such as class field trips and parent-teacher conferences.

Scene 6 (1m 25s)

Class Rules. Illustration of a ruler character. Explain the behavior you expect in your classroom. Your class rules might include: Be respectful. Be responsible. Follow directions. Be punctual. Be organized. Be a self-starter. Be prepared..

Scene 7 (1m 39s)

School Policies. Illustration of a pencil character.

Scene 8 (1m 56s)

Get Involved. List opportunities for parents to become involved in volunteer programs, advisory councils, and the PTA. Provide sign-up sheets for parents who are interested in helping to plan parties or special projects for your class..

Scene 9 (2m 10s)

Questions?. Illustration of a green pencil sharpener character.

Scene 10 (2m 25s)

Handouts. Translate handouts for parents for whom English is a second language. Handouts might include: A list of school phone numbers, e-mail addresses, and Web site addresses. Copies of classroom and school policies. A list of materials that children will need for class..