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Scene 1 (0s)

Providing students tools and resources to learn independently and achieve excellence.

Scene 2 (22s)

Benefits to learning math online with Educo Learning Center (ELC).

Scene 3 (2m 23s)

Providing students with the tools and resource to learn independently and achieve excellence.

Scene 4 (2m 26s)

Comprehensive Curriculum Aligned with Common Core Standard Diagnostic with Real-Time Analysis Tutorials with Dynamic Graphics and step-by-step animated Illustrations Unlimited Online Practice Worksheets Assessment for Each Topic Analytics and Reports Print Worksheets.

Scene 5 (2m 28s)

Start your child's best-in-class learning experience by taking a free Diagnostic Test from home.

Scene 6 (2m 54s)

Objective: Fraction Of a Whole Fractions Illustrations Examples Fraction on Number Line Representing Fractions Illustrations Parts Of a Fraction 1 2 Shaded Area = Count Model Area Model 3 2 Shaded Area — 3 Number Line Model o 1 3 2 3 1 of the unit 2 3 The point under is at — distance from 0. Two out of three or — of the apples in this set are Of red color. Copynght e 2003 — 2021 Educo Int. Inc..

Scene 7 (3m 33s)

Write time using a.m. or p.m.: Maria is doing homework after school. Try Again s. 7 55 Partially Correct P.M. X Done Solution: Hour hand is between 7 and 8. Minute hand is at 11. The time is 5 minute to 8 = 7 : 55 p.m..

Scene 8 (4m 3s)

Section 1.2: Count Within 1000; Practice Sheet (Students Copy) Counting numbers: C.'Äplete the number chart by e.kinting from 201 to 800: 201 211 221 251 271 214 25a 273 207 21S 227 287 297 Count by S: Identi$• the pattern. write the numbers that next- 2. a. 970. Count by 10: Ideuti& the pattern, write the numbers that come next. Count by I OO: the write the that 21201 Such Online (ELCI.

Scene 9 (4m 40s)

The bar graph shows the preference of grade 2 students about the pet they world like to have. 1. 2. How many more votes did cat get than the rabbit? 7 How many votes did the fish and bird get in total? 8 Responded.

Scene 10 (5m 15s)

Analytics and Reports. ELC provides real-time performance analysis reports at every stage. It highlights the strengths and deficiencies of a student at the time of report generation. The analytics keeps parents updated on their child's progress and allows them to support their child as needed..

Scene 11 (5m 31s)

Diagnostic Report. Standard and Skill Report. ELC Reports.

Scene 12 (5m 43s)

Assessment Score Report. Time Spent Report. ELC Reports.

Scene 13 (5m 52s)

•n. Get the resources and tools you need to support your child's education.

Scene 14 (6m 26s)

I s Grade Math Standards 123 1 can read and write up to 120 I can solve addition word I can measure and order tens th I kMw 42 > 23 place values - fen s or*s I can cor*re 2- digit 3 2 numbers EDUCO I can add up to I-digit number s I can solve subfraction properties - •s word problems Commutative & 1 can subfract AssoQtive up to 2-disit numbers I can I tip* can read & I can make interpret s tally charts II I can Interpret Graph 1 can & corpse 2D 30 shapes Advanced topics covered by Educo Learning Center I can identify I Can read patterns in a calendar 1 can read I Can identify 1 can read shapes locaton of Can *tify odd even All topics have I can identify dynamic tutorials and number unlimited practice Sheets..

Scene 15 (7m 38s)

MATH WORKBOOK GRADE-2 Aliwwd wRh C— Cm Standuds mffæt Tms of Cmpt TutMia's with End of Chapt« End of CrRiaI Activit•s Amy ing eBook Educo Math Workbook Series edu n9 c e nt e.

Scene 16 (8m 12s)

Building unique learning experiences with the courses mapped to the national standards.

Scene 17 (9m 22s)

Thank You. Educo International Inc. 6067, Oakbrook Pkwy, Norcross, Georgia 30093 + 1-800-963-3826 – (Ext:125) [email protected].