How much of a social problem is internet gambling.
A picture containing room, scene, gambling house, indoor Description automatically generated.
A picture containing floor, indoor, wooden, wood Description automatically generated.
Causes of Internet Gambling. 1.peer pressure. peer pressure is a feeling that one must do the same things as other people of one's age and social group in order to be liked or respected by them. Peer influence can be positive or negative. Coping well with peer influence is about getting the right balance between being yourself and fitting in with your group..
Codes on papers. 2.Financial problem. an inability to meet payments out of disposable income or at all. Example. Non-payments of essential bills. Having to borrow further to repay existing debts..
3.Social issues. Diagram, shape Description automatically generated.
Consequences of Internet Gambling. A picture containing person hand blur Description automatically generated.
1.Broken family. Broken family is often caused by excess gambling. This is because the huge sum of money spent on bets is lost when someone loses. Therefore there is no money for the family to make ends meet..
A picture containing indoor, toy Description automatically generated.