[Audio] Effective Team Management. zof Söw.i\.snq s s sss 00 C X 03 ios X 09 ceca.
[Audio] A.B Singh & C.D Kumar are two sales managers who manages sales of XYZ pharmaceutical company at Delhi HQ. A.B Singh is in-charge of North Delhi while C.D Kumar is in-charge of South Delhi. Let us look at their working style.
[Audio] Performance of AB Singh's North Delhi team has been very poor. Performance of CD Kumar's South Delhi team has been very good..
[Audio] AB Singh's Work style AB rarely communicates with his team members He never motivates his team to achieve targets He tries to convert all the doctors by his own Do not share scientific activity details with his team members He only, fixes the targets for his team members Never calculated incentive for his team members Checks sale and work record of team members before RM meeting only Search the candidates in emergency for vacant territory and send them for interview to HO without checking his profile and field feedback.
[Audio] CD Kumar's Work style CD Kumar's work style is very different He conducts regular team meetings & communicates with team members over phone regularly Praises and gives rewards to team members on any achievement Motivates his team members to achieve stretched goals Involves team members to set objectives for their territory Share incentive calculations with team members Provide on the Job training to his team members to handle all types of customers Keeps a track of Sales and work hygiene of team members Always keep list of potential candidates with him for all his territories Delegates the responsibilities to team members as per their potential.
[Audio] So, it is clear from the scenario how AB Singh & CD Kumar manage their teams and the reason behind the success and failure of both the teams. Let us now learn "Effective Team Management" in detail.
[Audio] Team Management- Team management Ability of an individual to coordinate a group of individuals to perform a task. Nurturing an environment that facilitates and supports the development of team members Capability to identify problems and resolve conflicts within a team..
[Audio] Effective team management strategies includes- Communication Goal & Role Clarity Motivation Training Rewarding Metrics Management Delegation Effective recruitment.
[Audio] Communication is Process of using words, sounds, signs, or behaviors to express or exchange information or to express your ideas, thoughts, feelings, etc., to someone else Communication plays a very important role in team building & team management Extracts the best out of the team members. Effective communication improves focus towards the goals It has a considerable impact on the organization's capacity to learn, evolve and innovate..
[Audio] Provides Clarity & Direction Team members should be constantly communicated business ideas & company strategies which the leadership is thinking about so that employees are aware of what the company's vision is. It also helps manager to set clear goals and expectations. Builds trust Manager can understand his team mate's needs and priorities which helps the manager to delegate responsibilities as per the interest and specializations of the team members without imposing things on them Increases engagement With the clear understanding of what people need to do, they become more confident & engaged with their work as a whole. By prioritizing effective communication, manager can increase engagement, and thus boost satisfaction, among team members. Prevents or resolves conflicts With the better understanding about each other & the ability to communicate effectively plays a large role in resolving conflicts and preventing potential ones from arising.
[Audio] Strategies for improving Communication To improve communication in team you need to have Regular interactions with team members By holding regular meetings, team members can be involved and informed about the major communication or strategic changes. Frequent interactions helps teammate to open up and voice out their views & ideas, it also helps managers to understand the nature & priorities of team members. Team member can share their needs or requirements related to territory. Managers can be updated with challenges faced by team members. 2) Practicing Inclusiveness, improves communication in the team Inclusiveness implies involving every member of the team in the team's decisions or ensuring that important communication or information should be sent to each member of the team Ask for their suggestions in different issues The goal and the objective of the team should not be set by the manager itself. Every member of team should contribute equally and give his valuable inputs. Listen to the concerns of team members with genuine interest and accept their suggestions if possible. 3) While communicating with team members always ensure transparency, clarity and conciseness. Take care of the following pointers before indulging in any kind of communication: Understand the purpose of communication and Ensure the delivery of clear messages Communication among the team members must be clear and transparent for an effective team management. Every team member should get the same information and should have an easy access to the superiors in case of any query. Treat all members equally, avoid favoritism 4) Always Respect your team members. All the team members should be respected regardless of their background, position, sales performance. The members of the team should be given the liberty to express their thoughts freely or communicate with others without any fear of being subjected to ridicule or criticism. Never shout on any team member or criticize in public The thoughts and ideas of each team member have to be listened to, with respect, no matter how silly they may sound at first. 5) Active listening The ability to really listen is a highly important skill. Listening lets you understand what the other person is saying. It shows the other person that you're interested in what he/she has to say. Use effective listening techniques. These include questioning, paraphrasing, as well as summarizing in order to get out ideas. 6) Feedback- it is an essential part of communication Give feedback as soon as possible Give feedback based on data and facts. Appreciate team members for any job done well, it motivate them to continue good performance If you feel that your team member is going wrong somewhere and needs to be corrected, go ahead, it will improve and correct his Performance Not every moment is appropriate, select the best time and medium of communication for feedback..
[Audio] Goal & Role clarity High-performance teams have a clearly defined mission which is then broken into achievable performance goals for each team member which they are required to pursue. The goal must be clearly set and circulated among the team members. Role Clarity is a prerequisite for effective team performance. When team members know that what is expected out of them in order to achieve the goal, they perform and contribute collectively to achieve the goal within given time frame. Every team member should be well aware of his roles and responsibilities in the team. Each team member needs to understand their leader's expectations regarding required work methods as well as procedures. Every team member should also know the resources available with them related to the job, the aim is to achieve the maximum with the minimum resources.
[Audio] Benefits of goal & role clarity It increases organizational efficiency by enhancing accountability & ownership at individual level and team level. Employee gets a clear framework and directives to perform a job It reduces role ambiguity & job overlapping Clarity of job role enhances employee and team performance. It helps in measuring the performance of the employee. It helps to capture ideas on how to improve in current process Improves job satisfaction and productive work culture. Role clarity facilitates Learning..
[Audio] Motivation is defined as energizing, directing and sustaining employees efforts. A team member may be very competent but no activity can take place until the individual is willing to perform that activity. Motivation plays the key role as it helps to identify and satisfy the needs of team members..
[Audio] Build trust with the people on your team. Make them feel valued, praise and recognize for a job well done, especially in front of their peers Understand your team members personal and professional goals and help them in achieving the same. Offer growth and advancement opportunities- To motivate salespeople who are interested in career trajectory, link today's activities to tomorrow's career Encourage and recognize initiative, give them time, freedom and space to try their ideas and reward for initiatives and bringing new ideas- Offer rewards beyond cash that are important to them – public recognition, opportunities to share or lead, etc. Invite team members to get involved in decision-making.
[Audio] Better uncertainty Handling- Motivated employees are much more engaged and self confident. Consequently, they know how to react in difficult situations. Innovation & improved productivity- Motivation often lead to innovative ideas that could help optimize business performance and more productivity. Work towards achieving the goals- Motivated employees are excellent in understanding and achieving their own and organizational goals. Better retention & Lesser Attrition- Companies with motivated employees have 87% higher employee retention rate..
[Audio] Team managers should be focused towards enhancing the skills and expertise of their team members. Team members should be given ample opportunities for skill development Training team members strengthens the bond between manager and team members Manager's support encourages team members to continuously develop their skills Updating employee skills with regular training helps in strong team management..
[Audio] Improves morale of employees- Training helps the employee to get job security and job satisfaction. The more satisfied the employee is and the greater is his morale, the more he will contribute to organizational success and the lesser will be employee absenteeism and turnover. Less supervision- A well trained employee will be well acquainted with the job and will need less of supervision. Thus, there will be less wastage of time and efforts. Fewer errors- Errors are likely to occur if the employees lack knowledge and skills required for doing a particular job. The more trained an employee is, the less are the chances of committing accidents in job and the more proficient the employee becomes. Increased productivity- Training improves efficiency and productivity of employees. Well trained employees show both quantity and quality performance. There is less wastage of time, money and resources if employees are properly trained..
[Audio] Recognizing & Rewarding the efforts of team members through appreciation, awards, prizes etc. are essential for good team management as this helps in Enhancement of Employee confidence. Encourages Healthy competition among the team members. Motivates team members- The performance of every team member must be evaluated timely and the best performer should be rewarded suitably so that the other members also get motivated to perform. Recognitions like " Detailing Champion", " Knowledge Master" or the " Performer of the month" go a long way in motivating the team members. Appreciate the member who does something unique or take some new initiatives, it enhances innovations and increases zeal in employees to try unique ideas.
[Audio] Metrics are important in every aspect of any business, they're especially critical in sales Metrics are the indicators of team's productivity Accurately measuring metrics is critical for the effective management of team It helps the sales managers to take timely action to correct if something is not happening as per the norms Measuring metrics helps in evaluating the individual needs of team members to offer Strong coaching and feedback to them, which is critical to develop sales team and helping them achieve their activity goals..
[Audio] Sales metrics are data points that represent an individual's or team's performance. They help track progress toward goals, prepare for future growth, incentive calculation, and identify any strategic issues..
[Audio] Sales Metrics management includes management of individual territory's: Total Primary/Secondary Sales: PCPM, Growth Brand Wise sales Segment wise sales Acute/chronic brand's sales New Product achievement Critical brands Sales driving brands Support from prescribers No. of prescribers.
[Audio] Activity metrics show what salespeople are doing on a daily basis. Activity metrics are "manageable," meaning managers can directly influence them. If any team mate is unable to meet the criteria, by digging into activity metrics a sales manager can help team mates to manage all parameters..
[Audio] Activity Metrics management includes management of individual territory's: Call average Call frequency Customer coverage TP updation Input utilization RCPA In-clinic performance Strategy implementation.
[Audio] Delegation is the process of distributing and entrusting work to another person Effective team management ensures a team leader uses delegation of authority while giving work to members. This helps in employee's confidence who feel that the manager trusts their work skills and abilities..
[Audio] Why Managers do not delegate The belief that employees cannot do the job as well as the manager can The belief that it takes less time to do the work than it takes to delegate Lack of trust in employees' motivation and commitment to quality The need to make one's self indispensable The enjoyment of doing the work one's self Guilt associated with giving more work to an overworked staff.
[Audio] Step 1: Analyze Your Tasks This step will help you to assess whether you are working on your most important priorities while developing others. What tasks no longer need to be done by you and therefore you can delegate to others? What tasks can you partially or fully delegate? What can only be done by you? Step 2: Select the Delegate To ensure you are deciding on the best person to delegate a task to, assess their abilities, interests and needs. What are their strengths and development needs or interests? What new responsibilities are they motivated to take on? Are they under or over capacity? Who on your team is, therefore, best suited to this task? Step 3: Define the Task If the task objective is not clear in your mind, chances are it won't be clear to the delegate. Create a desired outcome for the task, such as "complete the report with 100% accuracy by Friday at noon." Determine what is non-negotiable and what decision-making authority the delegate will have. What milestones need to be met? What progress updates are required? Step 4: Provide Support The delegate will likely need more support when completing a new and unfamiliar task. What information, knowledge, skills, or resources does the delegate need from you or someone else to be successful? How will these be provided? Step 5: Monitor and Review Despite your best planning, any delegated task can meet its share of obstacles. How will you ensure the agreed upon progress reporting occurs so that you are aware of obstacles early on? How will you provide coaching support so that obstacles can be resolved? How will you hold yourself and the delegate accountable to this? Follow these five steps and you will have a stronger chance of the delegated tasks staying on track and finishing as planned..
[Audio] Benefits of Delegation for Managers- Delegating the work to team members, Frees up manager's time for planning & organizing It Helps the manager to learn how to manage and develop team members Delegation Encourages open communication and trust Delegation may help manager to learn novel approach of doing some tasks Delegation does not only help managers it helps the team members also in various aspects like- Delegation Motivates and improves morale of team member It Encourage & stimulate creativity & initiatives It Develops their skills Delegation also allow them to contribute significantly to team's success.
[Audio] Effective recruitment does not mean to only appoint a candidate for a role Effective recruitment involves: Hiring right candidate for the role -candidate should have required qualification, relevant experience, right attitude and candidate should match the required skills for the role Hiring timely- Hire candidate timely so that the territory should not remain vacant for long time Hiring for long term retention- Always hire a candidate with long term perspective in mind not just to fill the vacancy for short time. Hiring in compliance to the organizational policies- Always find a candidate who complies with criterias as per organization policy Hiring in cost effective manner-Do not short list too many candidates for 1 post and send them to Head office for interview, short list only best candidate and send him for HO interview, it will save Travel cost and training cost.
[Audio] Before Vacancy- Keep an eye on best candidates of territory during your Joint field work Interact with these candidates check their skill level and interests Exchange contact number and create a data pool After Vacancy- Contact the candidate from data pool If you do not have potential candidate for that HQ, seek referrals Interview candidates and check their qualification, skill levels, attitude, trainability matching with job requirement Check for background & field feedback Inform candidate about selection & training process Refer the best shortlisted candidates to senior manager for interview.
[Audio] Benefits of effective recruitment- Effective recruitment helps to improve productivity. It improves turnover rate, as when the candidate is informed about the complete process and you have taken his agreement for the same, turn over rate after the interview will be high. When the candidates do not have clarity about training process after interview they either do not join training or they leave the training in between. following effective recruitment strategy can reduce attrition because when you screen the candidates and select the candidates who are matching the requirements of job and HQ and also the needs of candidates are taken care, rate of attrition can be reduced. When the candidate is well informed and clear about the process he always speaks good about company which enhances company image in the field. With increase in turn over rate after interview and reduction in attrition reduces overall cost involve in recruitment and traning of candidates..
[Audio] Illustration by freepik. zof Söw.i\.snq s s sss 00 C X 03 ios X 09 ceca.