[Audio] "2024 I-E-E-E Access Best Video Award Part 2" 1 "Visual Positioning and Dimensions Measurement of Lathe Tool Using Wavelets for Edge Detection" Manuscript ID Access-2-0-2-4--2-9-1-2-2 By Shweta Kumari Department of E-C-E--, Manav Rachna University, Faridabad Co-Authors 10/13/2024 Shweta Kumari Oct-2-0-2-4 Prof. (Dr ) Charu Pathak Prof. (Dr ) Shruti Vashist Manav Rachna University Manav Rachna University.
[Audio] Contents 2 I Introduction Ii. Literature Review Iii.proposed Method And Algorithm Iv.experimental Setup And Results V Conclusions Vi.references 10/13/2024 Shweta Kumari Oct-2-0-2-4.
[Audio] 3 Introduction Importance of precise tool positioning in smart manufacturing and mechanical automation Focus on micro parts manufacturing where millimeterlevel accuracy is critical Dimension estimation of lathe tools for long-term wear monitoring Develop a low-cost tool positioning system using highresolution images 10/13/2024 Shweta Kumari Oct-2-0-2-4.
[Audio] 4 Applications Automated Positioning devices. Robotic surgical tools, milling machine (lathe) 10/13/2024 Shweta Kumari Oct-2-0-2-4.
[Audio] 5 Methods for Verification of Autuomatic Tool Positioning Various methods of tool positioning have been in use since last few years: co-ordinate measuring machine, offset measurement method, atomic force microscope, laser interferometers, scanning electron microscopes, linear encoders, actuators, laser interferometers 10/13/2024 Shweta Kumari Oct-2-0-2-4.
[Audio] 6 Challenges in Accurate tool positioning Sensor data accuracy is not guaranteed; due to drifts and noise. Goal: Achieve correct tool positioning at the millimeter level. Solution: Utilizing image processing as a tool for higher precision. 10/13/2024 Shweta Kumari Oct-2-0-2-4.
[Audio] 7 Image Processing Challenges Noise in images impacts detection accuracy Non-local means filter effectiveness declines with high noise levels Results in blurry images and loss of clarity in the denoised output 10/13/2024 Shweta Kumari Oct-2-0-2-4.
[Audio] 8 Literature Review Paper title Authors Published By Method Features/Finding Applications/ Limitations/Gap s Focus Tool condition Conference chain code extracting the evaluating the tool E Sharma, P Mahapatra, A life and timely Low accuracy in the range of mm. Doegar (I-E-E-E-) technique, pixel matching and morphological replacing it, if it is not in favourable (2017) operations shape of the tool. Depending upon the shape of the tool, it has been condition. monitoring using the chain code technique, pixel matching and morphological classified as 'Normal' or 'Worn'. operations 10.1109/CIACT.20 17.7977270 10/13/2024 Shweta Kumari Oct-2-0-2-4.
[Audio] 9 Literature Review Contd….. Paper title Authors Journal / Conf Method Features/Finding Applications/ Limitations/Gap D-O-I (month/ s Focus year) Journal using a new biodeveloped system milling and lathe Low resolution in A Machine Vision System for Tool P K Mahapatra, R Thareja, M Kaur, extracts the Positioning and Its A Kumar (Sage) inspired technique named Negative difference between machines, industrial the range of millimetres Verification the actual and (2015) Selection Algorithm, a model of Artificial Immune System. doi. 1177/0020294015 602499 applications, applications in mechanical, aerospace, medical and manufacturing target positions of the tool from the captured images through image processing and calculates the processes error. 10/13/2024 Shweta Kumari Oct-2-0-2-4.
[Audio] 10 Literature Review Contd….. Paper title Authors Journal / Conf Method Features/Finding Applications/ Limitations/Gap D-O-I (month/ year) s Focus Error optimization Conference comparison of Bat Bat algorithm for optimization of using Bat and A Garg, P K Mahapatra, A and Particle lathe tool Does'nt give good results if the image P-S-O algorithms for Kumar (I-E-E-E-) Swarm outperforms the P-S-O algorithm. positional error in a is blurr, has low machine vision Optimization developed lighting system based tool (2014) (P-S-O--) algorithms machine vision movement system for 10.1109/ICACCI.2 014.6968298 determination of lathe tool position and verification. 10/13/2024 Shweta Kumari Oct-2-0-2-4.
[Audio] 11 Literature Review Contd….. Method Features/Fi Applications/ Limitations/Gap Paper title Authors Journal / Conf D-O-I ndings Focus (month/ year) Wear analysis in Journal The method metal industry 1.Reliance on two-dimensional JH ArévaloRuedas, E described involves Importance of Tool Life, cutting tools by the technique of image analyzing tool Tool EspinelBlanco, E (Journal of Physics) wear in the metal Florez-Solano Deterioratio n, Effective processing with the application of two-dimensional (2021) industry using digital image Wear matrices processing and Control, Interface10.1088/17426596/2139/1/0 matlab software. Two-dimensional 12018 based Analysis matrices are employed to monitor the status of inserts by comparing images in gray scales. Additionally, an analysis method based on interfaces is under study, enabling users to access a matrix physical methods in Matlab software limits the analysis to grayscale comparison, potentially overlooking three-dimensional wear aspects and material variations. 2.Emphasis on simple geometric descriptors may oversimplify wear characterization, missing nuanced features relevant to wear mechanisms. 3.Artificial vision system's ability to detect wear may be limited to significant changes, potentially missing subtle wear progression or leading to premature tool changes. 4.Precision positioning requirement for insert placement before and after machining processes could introduce variability, impacting wear assessment accuracy. implemented 10/13/2024 Shweta Kumari Oct-2024 database and a set of images to determine tool wear..
[Audio] 12 Why Edge Detection Algorithms ? Challenges in edge detection The main application of edge detection is in detecting objects in an image. Identifying the correct edge is a challenge. 10/13/2024 Shweta Kumari Oct-2-0-2-4.
[Audio] 13 Objectives of Research Correct Estimation of dimensions of Lathe tool using images. Correct Estimation of position of Lathe tool using images. 10/13/2024 Shweta Kumari Oct-2-0-2-4.
[Audio] Methodology 14 10/13/2024 Shweta Kumari Oct-2-0-2-4.
[Audio] 15 Results 10/13/2024 Shweta Kumari Oct-2-0-2-4.
[Audio] 16 Results Contd…. 10/13/2024 Shweta Kumari Oct-2-0-2-4.
[Audio] 17 Results Contd…. 10/13/2024 Shweta Kumari Oct-2-0-2-4.
[Audio] 18 Results Contd…. Error Improvement Using Denoising Techniques with Sobel Operator Combination of db1 Wavelet (Level 1) & sure Denoising: Minimum absolute error: -0.0004 Maximum absolute error: 0.1810 Sobel Operator with Non-Local Means Filter for Denoising: Minimum absolute error: 0.0011 Maximum absolute error: 0.1815 10/13/2024 Shweta Kumari Oct-2-0-2-4.
[Audio] 19 Results Contd…. 10/13/2024 Shweta Kumari Oct-2-0-2-4.
[Audio] 20 Results Contd…. 10/13/2024 Shweta Kumari Oct-2-0-2-4.
[Audio] 21 Conclusions In Table 4, it is observed that the length of the lathe tool, ab, is greater than cd. Additionally, bc is greater than da. Therefore, the lathe tool has a trapezoidal shape. 10/13/2024 Shweta Kumari Oct-2-0-2-4.
[Audio] 22 Conclusions Contd…. Conclusion: Sobel operator with Daubechies wavelet preprocessing yields superior accuracy for mm-level precision Operator choice: Sobel selected for time-efficient computation and smooth edge detection Adaptive coefficient: No fixed magnitude, allowing for customizable edge visibility Wavelet functionality: Increasing vanishing moments lead to sparser image representations Daubechies advantages: Nonlinear phase response advantageous for image processing tasks Concentrated energy: Energy primarily focused near the beginning of support, enhancing computational efficiency Superior smoothness: Maximum vanishing moments achieved for given support width Denoising efficiency: Daubechies wavelet at level 1 via sure method efficiently removes Gaussian noise and restores image details 10/13/2024 Shweta Kumari Oct-2-0-2-4.
[Audio] 23 Outcome of the Research Advancements in Automated Technology Need for High Accuracy Machines: Essential in manufacturing and healthcare Research Outcomes: Development of more accurate automated systems Detection and warning of inaccurate positioning and size of lathe tools Benefits of Proposed Systems: Image-based Contactless Cost-effective 10/13/2024 Shweta Kumari Oct-2-0-2-4.
[Audio] 24 Conclusions Precise tool positioning system demonstrated with minimal error Effective dimension estimation for monitoring tool wear 10/13/2024 Shweta Kumari Oct-2-0-2-4.
[Audio] 25 Future Scope Error Optimization techniques can be applied further for betterment in results. Further improvement in noise reduction techniques. 10/13/2024 Shweta Kumari Oct-2-0-2-4.
[Audio] 26 References 10/13/2024 Shweta Kumari Oct-2-0-2-4.
[Audio] 27 References Contd…. 10/13/2024 Shweta Kumari Oct-2-0-2-4.
[Audio] 28 References Contd…. 10/13/2024 Shweta Kumari Oct-2-0-2-4.
[Audio] 29 References Contd…. 10/13/2024 Shweta Kumari Oct-2-0-2-4.
[Audio] 30 Thank you! 10/13/2024 Shweta Kumari Oct-2-0-2-4.