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Scene 1 (0s)

CB 94574367 A 82 06808 A CB 94574367 A TWENT. Economic Systems.

Scene 2 (7s)

Economics: The production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services.

Scene 3 (16s)

Scarcity is the Root of Economics. There is not a single country in the world that has an abundance of all the resources that its people need/want. Scarcity = the limited supply of something Because of this, countries must make a plan of how to use these limited resources. This “plan” is called an….

Scene 4 (35s)

Three Questions. When developing the economic plan, each country must ask three basic economic questions: What goods/services will be produced? How will goods/services be produced? Who will consume the goods/services? The way a country answers these questions determines what kind of economic system it will have:.

Scene 5 (54s)

Command Economy: “We do what we’re told!”. AKA COMMUNISM.

Scene 6 (1m 10s)

Command Answers. Let’s see how a command economy fits in with the 3 economic questions… What goods/services will be produced? Government decides what will be produced. 2. How will goods/services be produced? Government decides how to make them. 3. Who will consume the goods/services? Whoever the government decides to give them to..

Scene 7 (1m 31s)

MARKET ECONOMY “We do whatever we think is best!”.

Scene 8 (1m 48s)

Market Economy. Let’s see how a market economy fits in with the 3 economic questions… What goods/services will be produced? Businesses (owned by private citizens) based decisions on supply & demand and free enterprise. (AKA $!) 2. How will goods/services be produced? Businesses (owned by private citizens) 3. Who will consume the goods/services? Consumers.

Scene 9 (2m 8s)

Mixed Economy: “ “We like to mix it up!”. - No system in the world is purely Command or Market A mix of command and market economies The government is involved in some aspects of the economy Examples today: France, India, Sweden, Venezuela.

Scene 10 (2m 25s)

Mixed Economy. Let’s see how a Mixed economy fits in with the 3 economic questions… What goods/services will be produced? Businesses (owned by private citizens) based decisions on supply & demand and free enterprise. (AKA $!) BUT the government will pass laws to protect consumers 2. How will goods/services be produced? Businesses (owned by private citizens) BUT the government can provide assistance to Business if required 3. Who will consume the goods/services? Consumers BUT the Government may provide some services or protection.

Scene 11 (2m 51s)

95137658_1404c284a8. Mixed Economy. No system in the world is purely Command or Market.

Scene 12 (2m 59s)

Market Economy: “Capitalism”. Command Economy: “Communism”.