Livestock health and breeding monitoring are important as it is the key to producing more healthy and lively animals..
E- Nimal : A Cloud-Based Livestock Health and Breed Monitoring using RFID.
Sign In Form. Goat. 2:08 Email Password .11'56%' LOG IN No Account? Click Me!.
Goat. LOG. If the user doesn’t have an account, the Sign-Up form can be easily found by clicking the “No Account? Click Me!” button..
Sign Up Form. Goat. 2:08 .11'56%' CREATE ACCOUNT Email First Name Middle Name Last Name Password Position Facility Code SIGN UP Have an Account? Click Me!.
Once the user clicked the “Sign Up” button, the application will process the inputted data and send email verification to the registered email of the user..
After Signing up for a new account, an e-mail will be sent to the registered email of the user to verify that it is a real account and working..
When the user clicked the link on the email, it will be redirected to a new tab to process the account verification..
Menu. Goat. There are four buttons in the menu of the application, these are: Home Livestock Breed Setting.
Home. Goat. 5:41 Adelaida Cruzat Alea Connected device: None Environment 29 Total Livestocks Total Monitored Today SCAN Manually Search RFID Home.
Livestock. Goat. 5:41 @ B 3883533 Sheep I Brown 17931133 Cattle I Black 19516233 Goat I Mixed 31793533 Sheep I Brown 32526186 Cattle I White * e. ...1 310,'o•.
Livestock. Goat. 3883533 17931133 19516233 31793533 32526186.
Breed. Goat. 5:48 e B * 300,'o• 14716335331 Sheep Mate: 515930186 Breed.
Breed. Goat. Once the specific ID was clicked, the breed information of the livestock will pop up..
Breed. Goat. 5:48 e B * 300,'o• 14716335331 Sheep Mate: 515930186 Breed.
Breed. Goat. 547 * 300,'o• ADD NEW BREED Select Livestock ID MATE Select Mate PARENT Select Male Parent Select Female Parent O Save Data BACK.
Breed. Goat. 547 * 300,'o• ADD NEW BREED Date of Birth: January 03, 2023 Livestock: Sheep Breed: Dorper Sex: Female Age: O 1471633533 MATE 515930186 PARENT None None OFFSPRING 3883533 31793533 Save Data.
Setting. Goat. Breed. In this form, the user will select the livestock that had new offspring/s and its mate to add a new breed data to the application..
Setting. Goat. For the Account Setting button, the user can change his/her account password, and change or upload a profile picture of his/her account..
Setting. Goat. For the Help button, the user can send an e-mail to the application helpline e-mail and address his/her concern/s about the application..
Setting. Goat. For the Logout button, the user can log out of his/her account for security reasons. And for the Exit button, the user can leave the application by clicking it to close the application..
The RFID Scanner. Goat. Sign In Form. RFID Scanner.
1. RFID Scanner. The scanner is composed of: Buzzer RFID Module Bluetooth Module Arduino UNO Temperature Scanner Charging Port Battery Power Button.
Let’s Connect the Scanner to the Application. Goat.
Connect to Scanner. Goat. 29. To connect to the designed RFID scanner, the user can click the “Scan” button on Home and the paired scanner will show up..
Goat. 29. Select a scanner E-nimal Dl Manually Search RFID.
Connect to Scanner. Goat. Once the application is connected, the scanner will buzz two times..
Goat. Scan RFID. When the Application and Scanner are connected, the user can scan the RFID ear tag on the livestock to add or monitor the livestock..
Goat. Monitoring. After scanning the RFID Ear tag the application will check if the livestock has or does not have an account on the application. If the livestock is registered on the Application, the user can update its health, deworming and vaccination profile to bring up to date its monitoring status..
Goat. Monitoring. If the livestock is not yet registered on the application, the user can fill up the livestock information to register the data on his/her account..