The Real Taste of Jaipuri Namkeen.
Prateek Food Products Company was established in the year of 2010 by in Jaipur Rajasthan with the aim of providing authentic food and snacks to the customers. Company’s food product is available in the market with the brand of “Bitozzz” and is a leading Band name in the Namkeen and Fryums. We are having vast r ange of p r oducts and li k e F ryums, Nam k eens e t c. All products variants are made by using selected raw materials, procured from best in class category vendor from our trained raw material experts, processed in an isolated and hygienic environment. We are very much concern f or good quality p r oduction and a l wa y s trying t o g iv e original tas t e t o the cus t omers w hich th e y a r e missing in most of bands..
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o 5 n / l - y. Get FREE Toys Inside.
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o 5 n / l - y. The Real Taste of. Jaipuri Namkeen.
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A vailable in ` 5/- & ` 10/- Pack.
Available in 400g Standing Zipper Pack.
PRATEEK FOOD PRODUCTS 154, Jhotwara Ind. Area, JAIPUR (Raj.) INDIA Contact : 8385818585, 9828225583.