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Scene 1 (0s)

Drone. Yusuf Pramujaningtyas Nurianto Putra 11.2019.1.00782.

Scene 2 (23s)

Drones or Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) that can fly remotely by remote control or powerful computers. Ordinary drones come in a variety of sizes, shapes, and functions. The material is made of lightweight materials, which allows for rapid flight and altitude flight. The drones themselves have cameras, infrared, GPS, sensors, and other support systems..

Scene 3 (1m 0s)

Kind of drone. 2 copter: 2 propellers 3 copter/ tricopter : 3 propellers Four copter/quadcopter: 4 propellers 6 copter/ hexa copter: 6 propellers 8 Copter/octa copter: 8 propellers.

Scene 4 (1m 27s)

The function of drones. Photography and Videography Natural disasters Construction Mapping Jurnalism Industrial.

Scene 5 (2m 13s)

Drone use in mining operations. The use of drones in the most common or frequent mining areas is for measuring volume or contour measurements. The method of collecting the data using photogrametry or LIDAR technology. The goal, among other things, is to calculate how much of the area's worth or resources, the exploration plan of an area to a planned infrastructure to support the operation of mining operations..

Scene 6 (2m 50s)

Additionally, the use of drone technology on mining operations is used for the high-quality monitoring of equipment in the mine locations periodically. The frequent use of drones in the mining areas is topographic mapping for exploration purposes. It is easy to use drones because pictures or videos can cover a wide area in a single flight, and in a single day, flights are made..