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Scene 1 (0s)

Z98Z+79LZOZ ! ISV p q o h ! 1 u ! q e q M! e I n z e {l v JON ZOL669LZOZ ! W a {ado uaapnsweqs '0M o I apv 9L9809LZOZ J apua)ts ewes sno 8S09S9LZOZ a J qns p LN u ! q u e I z ! d p q o n {q 1 e b pew e q o n u ! q u e I z v peweqov•q rut.avH.

Scene 2 (41s)

Hantu Kak Limah is one of Malaysia's most popular local SUMMARY blockbusters. • This film is classified as a horror-comedy OF THE FILM • Directed and written by the legendary director Mamat Khalid. • The plot begins with Husinls return to the village after searching for sustenance in Singapore. • Husin's friend Khuda had just married Kak Limah, claiming to be head over heels in love with him. Sadly, a body was discovered in the garden belonging to Kak Limah. • When they ventured into the forest, Kak Limah's death was unknown to Husin and his companions. Kak Limahls spiritual metamorphosis continues to reverberate even after her funeral. As a result, Ustaz Solihin wants to get rid of the remaining spirit of Kampung Pisang. Following this uproar, a delegation of elven chiefs descended on human nature to explain what had happened. The ghost was bound to Nor Ainils original form. • Khuda hides Nor Aini in the garden since she has gone insane. • Khuda married Kak Limah after cheating on his wife. Nor Aini was so enraged and vindictive as a result of this that Kak Limah died. The elf father's advice was that elves and humans are not meant to be together..

Scene 3 (2m 44s)

AVIS 55MP-095 9 OCOS 201B Dl PAWACAM SHAW •n f •n •tus SIGNIFICANCE OF THE FILM Mamat Khalid is well-known for his horror-comedic films, which have garnered a large audience and set box office records in some cases. Hantu Kak Limah may share a title with Mamatls 2010 film Hantu Kak Limah Balik Rumah. Hantu Kak Limah is a film which portrays the Perak's rural village lifestyle, environment and nature..

Scene 4 (3m 8s)

SIGNIFICANCE OF THE FILM • This film brings an obvious tribute to Mamat Khalid's home state of Perak in the form of the architecture of the houses, the genuine deep Perak's dialect to the viewer and retorts of the people, and the mannerism of the villagers who knew everyone and their tradition and cared for the strange happenings in Kampung Pisang since the death of Kak Limah, which was introduced very early in the movie, makes this comedy as unique as its predecessor. • Hantu Kak Limah displays a lot of unique and intriguing content which smashes the Fourth Wall with a heady combination of humour, social critique, inside jokes, satire, sexual innuendos, and Malay 801s rock anthems, and even reminisces the lyrics from the Joy drink advertising from the 1980s. • The out of nowhere casual jokes and entertainment by this film also is impressively humorous such as when Husin, Wani, Yeh Sekupang, Khuda and Ustaz Solihin sang Black Dog Bone's song "Hatiku Luka Lagi" in the midst of their chaos escape from Kak Limah's ghost. Another example is when Husin gets into the elf's nature with Eton, Eton's father sang "Srikandi Cintaku" song with a complete dancers and guitarist..

Scene 5 (4m 38s)

TRANSMISSION OF VALUES • When it comes to interacting beliefs, ideas, and information, films may be a hugely influential and potent tool. • Different cultures are conveyed verbally, aesthetically, and audibly because the film is a polysemiotic medium that gives meaning through multiple channels, including image, conversation, and music. • Items once culturally specific tend to increase and infringe on other civilizations. The technique of film translation used dramatically influences the reception of a source language film in a target culture. • Many ideals are conveyed politically, culturally, and humanitarian. Therefore, we attempted to extract the values in the film both positively and negatively..

Scene 6 (5m 29s)

POINT ONE greetings like "Assalamualaikum" and other religious and cultural views, particularly regarding the relationship between a man and a woman. POINT TWO Marriage occurs with the agreement of the father. As is customary, the male must obtain the approval of the woman's ISLAMIC father. For example, Husin seeks Eton's father's permission to VALUE marry his daughter. POINT THREE Cultural values are visible in the marriage scenes: the film conveys marriage rituals through clothes and dance. Because customs and traditions are affected across the generation, the film transfers them to future generations to address the memory..

Scene 7 (6m 19s)

POINT ONE in resolving peasants' problems. It is the activity of cooperating toward a common goal, and the interest was mutual. POINT TWO •However, the same film transmits negative values, such as fleeing from responsibility because villagers of the society did not accept or carry out the task like how Nayan left the Kak Limah's body at the clinic. POLITICAL PRINCIPLES.

Scene 8 (7m 0s)

COLLECTIVISM vs INDIVIDUALISM POINT MADE the villagers came together to address the problem of Kak Limah's ghost. Collectivism is a culture conveyed through movie messaging; it indicates that social and individual bonds are strong; this culture taught us to value the needs of a group or community over the needs of the individual..

Scene 9 (7m 30s)

POINT ONE as Husin attempted many times to persuade Eton to marry him, and when we love, we love being close to the beloved. Therefore, marriage is an expression of linking a relationship between two lovers, and thus the film shows a lot of sentimental elements. LOVE & FRIENDSHIP POINT TWO Husin and his companions attempted to save Khuda from Kak Limah's spirit demonstrates how much they cherish friendship. In this scene, a message was delivered: friends are people who have morals because they did not abandon their friends and flee..

Scene 10 (8m 38s)

slide 1.mp3. 66 FILM AS THAT SHAPE/MIRROR SOCIETY • Movies have long been acknowledged for depicting socioeconomic, cultural, and even political changes in society. • Different filmmakers have their ways of making their films reflect the society in which they are produced, and Hantu Kak Limah is no exception. • In an interview with 'New Straits Times,' Mamat Khalid admitted that he tried to insert many hidden messages about Malaysian life into his stories but decided to be more straightforward in Hantu Kak Limah..

Scene 11 (9m 30s)

slide 2.mp3. GHOST One of the first noticeable portrayal of the society in the movie, especially the society where the film focused (Perak culture and some Kedah's dialect) is the belief of ghosts,.

Scene 12 (10m 24s)

slide 3.mp3. At.'D SHAMAN Ghosts and spirit issues has been lingering in the Malaysian culture that Shamans exists in the Malaysian society. Even after the dominance of Islam in the country, the bomoh continued to exist.

Scene 13 (10m 58s)

slide 4.mp3. According to their belief, if someone's legs does not touch the ground, then he or she is a ghost..

Scene 14 (11m 29s)

slide 5.mp3. ECOttO.-c.lC ISSUE It reflects or mirrors how poor most villages are and how they depend on the government to cater for some of their basic needs. Since most of them are entangled with petty job and can hardly cater for their needs, it is understandable that they yearn for the government's assistance..

Scene 15 (12m 3s)

slide 6.mp3. The movie also portrayed how a proper marriage request should be like; by asking directly from the bride's father for his daughter's hand in marriage..

Scene 16 (12m 19s)

slide 7.mp3. HOW? more people may now share the sentiments that ghosts really exist in our midst and the fact that other creatures such as elves really exist 02 ghosts react badly to the call of azan and Qur'an recitation 03 we unanimously agree that the Perak dialect have started finding its way into the speech of our local colleagues..

Scene 17 (13m 5s)

APPLICATION OF MEDIA THEORY Uses and Gratifications Theory • At how the media affects individuals • How individuals utilize the media to meet their own wants and how they feel content when those needs are met. • Rather than arguing what media does to people, the theory argues what people do with media. • The user or audience is at the core of this philosophy..

Scene 18 (13m 35s)

Affective Needs humor scene in the beginning of the film where Husin looks like riding his motorbike, but he is actually on his boat with the motorbike handle is assembled on his boat. Tension Free Needs several humor scenes which are the tension free scene such as the moment Wani, Ustaz Solihin and Yeh Sekupang sang Hatiku Luka Lagi song. Social Interaction and Integration Needs any humour or important scene that happen in this movie will become the talking point to the viewers as they will share it such as when Husin and his friends struggling ran after they realize that Kak Limah is a ghost..

Scene 19 (15m 24s)

Cognitive Needs the need to watch the movie is to learn about Malay culture Nostalgia feel a sentimental yearning for return to or of some past period or irrecoverable condition. So many movies evoked feeling of nostalgia. Mood Management when we are in bad mood, the movie is a tool to seek distraction. It is said that people like to feel worried, this is a gratification that can be achieve when watching Hantu Kak Limah..

Scene 20 (16m 51s)

ETI•IKCAL ISSUE 01 Smoking scene the scene of smoking in the set was to add in the characteristics of the said character. 02 Filmmakers are not educators viewers to interpret and then to accept or reject the opinions of the filmmakers..

Scene 21 (18m 59s)

slide 8.mp3. Malaysian film industry has stepped up its game improved not just in terms of ticket sales but also in terms of cinematography and plotlines. MEDIA HEGEMONY 18 days of release achieved RM32.5 million ticket sales, shattering ticket sales in Malaysia back then. the penetration of a dominating culture Hantu Kak Limah achieved such feat because it reflects the typical Malaysian culture..

Scene 22 (20m 2s)

01 Mamat Khalid was well known for his masterpiece •we can know that it is a Mamat Khalid film based on the dialogue, story, actors and location of the film. 02 Perak dialect and filming locations have become a 'trademark' in Mamatls films 03 Satire is one of the clearest depictions of society hope for subsidies, in which all of the villagers are waiting for fertiliser and seed subsidies. 04 that believes in Bomoh or Shamans •Today's people enjoy both magical and scientific objects that adhere to natural laws. That is why it is a pseudo-scientific product. REPRESENTATION OF.

Scene 23 (23m 24s)

CONCLUSION? Hantu Kak Limah is a worth watching film for every Malaysian as it portrays the real and gimmick-less nature in Malaysian society and specifically for Perak society. The way this film expresses the language or dialect that they used and every single character in this film plays their role as real as it gets their casual and unpretentious acting as well. The way they are reminiscing the classic village nature and environment with all the set up from the song the played to the costume that they used to the props that involved is a very detailed and meticulous act..